Fae grinned happily at Dianna suddenly linking arms with the two of them, and moved with the other two girls with a smile that was probably the biggest she had ever smiled in the past three years. Fae's cheeks flooded deeper red as Maggie grabbed their hands, her heart raced. Dianna allowed Maggie to lead them along, she grinned like an absolute goofball as they got closer and closer to the old ride. "I agree, it's not judgey at all." Dianna said with a small nod, "Unless it's on the list of being fixed?" Fae's eyes widened at the look of the ride, she stepped forward slowly before Dianna moved to grab her shoulder quickly. "Calm down there boy." Dianna said with a bit of a wink towards her friend, her voice snapping Fae from the almost trance she'd get from unknown machines. Fae blinked before she cleared her throat and looked over to Maggie and Dianna with a bit of a grin. "Sorry, you know how I get with... Machines." Fae muttered slightly before she turned back to the ride before looking around a bit more. "We should check it out, but not stray too far from each other."