[b][center][hr][hr] [h1][color=7d16c7]Oliver Sullivan[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/7ecMeOO.png[/img] [hr][hr] [color=7d16c7]Location:[/color] Quinjet -> Braddock Academy [color=7d16c7]Skills:[/color] N/A [hr][/center][/b] To say Oliver was nervous on the flight would be an understatement, it felt like he couldn't sit still, often getting up to pace around the jet. A lot was going to be coming to a head today, and he already knew the outcome of one of them. Looking over to Niah, he said, "[color=7d16c7]Thank you for coming with me Niah, you have no idea how much this means to me.[/color]" He said, right as the ship landed. Sticking his head towards the door, her took a deep breath as it opened. They needed to talk to Captain Britain as soon as possible, then get to his mother. Even if he didn't end up being a Skrull, he could give them information from when they were captured. Oliver wasn't even a little surprised to see they had a greeter, and smiled at Betsy, saying, "[color=7d16c7]It's good to be home Miss Braddock, I'm Agent Sullivan, and this is Agent Bautista.[/color]" He said, gesturing over to Niah. "[color=7d16c7]I hate to rush, but we're on a rather tight schedule, if we could speak to your brother as soon as possible, we'd appreciate that.[/color]" He didn't want to slip in the fact they would be working around a literal deadline. That felt like undo pressure, especially if this place wasn't crawling with skrulls. He took a moment to breath, missing his home, and feeling almost a bit safer just from being here.