One of Sergio's shots hits a masked bandit riding in front of his old acquaintance, Fred Linch. For just a moment, Fred seems to look right at Sergio and then spurs his horse hard and lowers himself over the animal's neck, pushing it ahead. He's not headed for the express car though... he's headed toward the engine. [hr] The moment someone stepped out through the doorway and onto the platform, Bobby squeezed the trigger on his revolver, sending a shot in Mistihkoman's direction. But he didn't get a chance to follow up with a second one before Taylor's bullet slammed into his thigh. He didn't scream, but he drew his arm back in, trying to keep himself from falling out of the saddle. His one good eye landed on Taylor, sending him a murderous and pain filled look. And there was also a sudden recognition there. Was there anyone [i]less[/i] likely to be guarding a train than Black Jack Jackson? "Black Jack! You got 2 f*ckin' seconds to change sides!" he was pulling the hammer back, readying to shoot again. Meanwhile, the Navajo turned in time to face the oncoming threat. While he was obviously armed with a six-shooter as well, he had a knife in his hands at the moment. He tries to dodge the blow and is only partially successful. What was intended for his jaw strikes him in the shoulder instead. "This steel horse mocks us all," he said as he retaliated by slashing his knife toward Misti's stomach. [hr] The short figure on the pinto puts two fingers to their lips and whistles loudly. Finney and Billy suddenly lose sight of the riders that had been shooting at the passenger car as 4 of them drop back slightly. But just a few seconds later the pinto horse reappears, still galloping alongside the train, but now riderless. Are they boarding the train on one of the freight cars? Or possibly even the caboose? [hr] [i](OOC note: Dice are NOT required. I just like them for NPCs! My roll results: [/i]