If you accept that I'm only using a t.v. remote to type I'll play as myself. Name's Sebastian, unlike Dungeoneers that became wizards to begin rping I am a Forsaken-Ranger that chose to rival Arbiters pragmaticly; Princes that mercenaried into a black knight Overlord(dragon hunter prestige). I never Rp as a Ranger. Instead I just journal, excersize, and study nature. I am a swordsman, am Polish-American, I'm going to begin horsemanship/archery next year, partied to 23, quit skateboarding recently too, first injury so I quit (17+ years) to build my throne. I've never done steampunk. I've only ever done noble troupeswordsman attitudes to personality. That usually gets me a badlands archgambit. I think I'll do better as this is 1x1. For what it's worth I have space mercenary intrigue as well.