[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190811/ebaf9cbdde92c7897e853938cfe68fe5.png[/img] [color=6E8E67]Location:[/color] Winton - The Inn[/center][hr][hr] Sybl's movement caught Fatima's eyes briefly. She watched him approach the bar and then her gaze was whisked away back toward Jandar as he spoke. And then [i]Spoke[/i]. She gave him a mirthless smile. Lovely, lunch with some dumb bitch. She inwardly winced at the words he threw to her on a thread. [color=20B2AA][i]“Unless we can escape to Kaeleer before noon tomorrow I’d say playing along would be prudent. But this Alice is a selfish covetous bitch, so we should be careful.”[/i][/color] She sent back, her heart heavy, [color=6E8E67][i]"I'm afraid it may take us some time before we can make it to Kaeleer."[/i][/color] She did not have time to expound on this. Faeril demanded her attention as well. She was having so many threads knock at her mind's door in so short a span of time, she wasn't used to it. Involuntarily she turned in the direction of Faeril's 'thread' half expecting the woman to be standing there. She was not, which was probably for the best considering they had a spy in their midst. The thread she sent back was sent, hesitantly, on a red distaff thread. [color=ed1c24][i]'He is in fact in front of us and will be joining us for a time as a... tour guide. I'm afraid we cannot escape him. Curiously though... I believe him to be one of mine. I am not sure what this means for us.'[/i][/color] She was ready to cut the thread. However, there was more to be said from Faeril. Fatima's brows knit in confusion and she interrupted the black widow, [color=ed1c24]'Look, I'm sorry, but there are things that require my immediate attention now. Dareen has been a good companion this whole time and we can discuss her wrongs later tonight.'[/color] She knew her words were short and clipped. She knew Faeril would not like to hear that. But right now, Dareen, with the most kindness meant, was the last thing on her mind. The thread was immediately cut. She did not want to attract attention flaunting what could be considered such a high level jewel in mixed company. That was, should anyone be looking. Jandar was knocking again and this time he brought heavy news. Her heart sank and she had to fight to keep from falling to her knees. And to keep tears of frustration from her eyes. There was just too much going on right now, too much that needed her attention. And this was the worst new she had received thus far. Though she had not let Faeril get far in telling her much about Dareen. [color=20B2AA][i]“If you’ll recall, I visited the Queen to find Xandar…However, it appears they have already captured him, and may have already handed him over. Even if not, I don’t think we’ll be able to get him back at this point. As for the matter of lunch, well, either we accept or get rid of this hanger-on Warlord Prince and get the hell out of here. The final choice is, of course, yours.”[/i][/color] He was likely gone and never to return. Jandar, having been her great support after the loss of the father figure in her life, could probably read her like a book. She gripped her skirts and did the only thing she could think of to help break that spell of anger which gripped her heart. Spinning in a circle she smiled all coy and sweet. She perked up and primped up in the way her mother used to when she was trying to get a man's attention. [color=6E8E67]"Well, if I am to visit with her Queen for lunch I must have a new dress. This one is so shabby!"[/color] She spoke in a light, sing-song voice that she figured any air-headed dope of a Queen might use. She threw a quick thread out to both Jandar and Mikhail [color=6E8E67][i]'Someone hang me now. For how long am I going to have to play simple and simpering?'[/i][/color] She then flounced her way over to Sybl and gave him a syrupy smile as she threaded her arm through his. [color=6E8E67]"You will show me to the best shops, yes?" [/color] [color=6E8E67][i]'I am so sorry.'[/i][/color] again to Mikhail and Jandar. [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200731/7b0275756646d73c6e29c8c33a546a01.png[/img] [color=B2E0DD]Location:[/color] Winton - The Inn[/center][hr][hr] Sybl was fully immersed in his own world of self-hatred turned upon the other Warlord Prince in the room he considered to be a threat to this imagined relationship he held with Fatima. How woeful and stupid. He gulped down the first glass in one go before filling and swallowing down a second. His stony face did not betray the turmoil inside of him and he looked up with great surprise as he was suddenly accosted by one of the rough Eyriens. His time in court had taught him to distrust and dislike the breed immensely. They were good for rough sex and hard labor. It was of a great shock when this one approached him in kindness and what could be considered quiet for an Eyrien. Sybl swirled his amber drink around in the splotchy glass. [color=B2E0DD]"That is the idea,"[/color] he responded in cold indifference. He wasn't about to let on more than need be. And this man talking to him was taking away from his time spent inside his own head thinking miserable, stupid thoughts. He was then joined by a young, delicate brown-skinned woman with an array of fascinating tattoos over her marble etched face. Dareen caught his attention immediately and made him almost forget that he had an internal world he was working on. She was fascinating to look at. He could have honestly look at her all day. And he found himself wondering what sort of tattoos hid under her clothes. In a non-sexual way. Of course. Naturally. Her question caused him to smirk darkly. He was tempted to reply 'The Queens Bedroom' but thought better of it. Such a thing was highly improper. It was truly the place he spent the most time and knew anything about. He had not spent much time in the city at all. Piss poor guide. Very good spy. He knew what he was here for. So, he began to list the places he had heard the others speak about over dinners or through pillow talk. [color=B2E0DD]"The beach is, of course, very nice. A few private parks around as well. For those more city inclined the theater is a hotspot."[/color] He rasped out the words with difficulty before he had to cough and then take a drink. He wished they would stop asking questions. Sybl disliked having to talk and he had done quite a lot of it today. And it seemed he was going to have to do quite a bit more. The woman offered him a drink and he offered her one of his most disarming smiles. [color=B2E0DD]"Thank you but the matron of the bar left me my own. I would not wish to deprive you."[/color] Another cough. Another drink. He dropped his glass entirely as a slender arm and warm hand entwined with his. He was caught offguard. She was [u][i][b]TOuCHING[/b][/i][/u] him. Like actually touching his physical person. Electricity was pulsing through his nerves and he felt he was on cloud nine. He wanted to scoop her up and just smell her. Instead, he stared down at her, frowning. The words she said were catching up to his physical reaction to her touch. She wanted to buy dresses. Well of course she did! He would show her the best dresses in town. Anything she desired. He would go so far as to pay for them himself. No... sew them. Whatever she wanted! He took a breath. [color=B2E0DD]"As you wish."[/color]