[Center][h2]Nikolay Ivushkin | The Imperial Fist[/h2][/center] So far, Nikolay had been one that preferred to stay still and unleash the beams of Monotone upon distant targets, focusing on either keeping a long distance between himself and his opponent or defending himself via the energy absorption of Retribution. Now, though, that record was broken. Henry had deftly made a slide tackle, one that looked very similar to the one that football players do, in order to avoid the seating hot red beams of destruction that Nikolay had just fired. Seeing the impending slide tackle, Nikolay made his move. Drawing from the lessons that they had been given not too long ago, he dodged the side tackle, sidestepping and rolling towards the side before ending up in a semi-kneeling position. The Russian boy looked back at Henry before standing right up, seemingly a little nervous now as his usual tactic obviously won't work very well in this situation. "I had… huff… moment of panic there…", Nikolay said to Henry as the two hands floated beside him in earnest, their color still a flaming red. Frowning a little bit, he clenched his right hand, ordering the Fists to switch modes to Retribution. Now, they were glowing green, and so were his eyes. At this time, he waited for Henry to make the first move. [center][h2]Nathaniel Gregorio | The Blitzkrieg[/h2][/center] Nath readied his own Noble Arm, pulling out a pair of ornate black and gold revolvers from the dimensional storage space that all of those magical weapons had. Both of the guns crackled with electricity, and Nath himself had the occasional arc of electricity, though he did not seem to be confident in his abilities, as while he would be classified as a rather Noble Arm wielder, he lacked both the experience and will to really live up to the fearsome potential of his power of electromagnetic control. In fact, he was nervous that he would drain the school's power grid… If such a thing were possible. "Be ready, my friend.", Nath simply said soberly as the cartridge of the Shock Bolters spinned wildly for a few moments before pointing both of the firearms at Oscar. "Now." With that, no less than six projectiles shot out of the Shock Bolters, all of them glowing blue with the electrical energy that was imbued upon them. They were moving slowly enough for the naked eye to catch, but were still fast. Were they accurate? Not so much, what with them being pistol bullets and not very well aimed. One might think that Nath was quite afraid of hurting Oscar even a tiny bit, but that remains to be seen as the revolvers reloaded. In the immediate aftermath of his shots, Nath planned to quickly prepare an electromagnetic energy blast. [@dragonpiece] [@Th3King0fChaos]