Kira wakes up slowly, body warm and mind empty of all thoughts. Her ears catch the faint sounds of waves from the beach she'd caught a glimpse of. Slowly her eyes open and immediately squint half-closed, sunlight hitting her directly in the face. Blinking to clear the brightness away, when she opens then she finds that a shadow has settled over the spot, her eyes lifting to see Queen yawning. A hand reaches out from beneath her blanket, fingers outstretched to glide along smooth skin. Only to press close and immediately pull back, guilt flooding her system like ice water. In the next instant Kira's up and shifting bee legs over Astral, lips pressed into a thin line as she stands. She'd forgotten completely last night about finding a water-filled place for Queen, and now her smooth skin was as stiff as it had been when she was a Feebas and sje was no doubt uncomfortable in more then one way. At home while she slept out of her ball she had access to water, they used to have a small pool in her room but they took it down when Queen evolved. Thankfully they had an outdoor pool that she could soak in, which had Kira pausing with a blink. Spinning towards the large windows she felt like smacking herself, a large pool with crystal-clear water was only a few feet away. [color=fff79a]"I am so sorry Queen."[/color] Are her first words that fill the air, she doesn't even care if her roommate is within the room. She should've looked while she was eating, no doubt Queen is uncomfortable. Her worries cease when she feels a large head rub along her cheek, a soft melodic cry filling the air. Her father's voice echos in her head that she needs to always remember that Queen needs to be in water, or it'll have negative outcomes. Patting along dru-rough no doubt painful skin, she pushes open the doors and is met with the scent of the sea. Queen straightens upright immediately with her fan-like tail beginning to sway, happy to be allowed near water. A glance down the snake-like body she can see just how dry her skin is, and it has her reaching for Queen's Dive Ball. With an apologetic gaze she recalls her inside, before stepping out and walking along the path that leads towards the pool. Once there she tosses the Dive Ball up and watches as Queen appears after a flash of red light, her melodic cry is followed by a twirl within the crystal-blue water. Her smile is small as she watches Queen happily twirling beneath the water, some of the tension in her shoulders relaxing a bit. Before she realizes that today's the first day of the trip. With a curse she turns on her bare heel, taking off back to her room to check her phone. It isn't as late as she feared it was, but she makes quick work of getting ready. Once she's dressed and Astral is awake, they exit the room once she's sure the glass doors are closed and she has her key card. Breakfast is in full swing when she reaches the buffet area, not that it matters much. She and Astral share plates of food without a word, Sandra and her Kirlia joining them mid-way through. And now she's watching as each person around her pair up with different levels of enthusiasm, apparently they weren't the only ones having issues. She feels her phone vibrate but pays it no mind, sighing once she decides to be the first one to make a move. Going back to last night she can see that they were both at fault in some way, her reaction was uncalled for but blame that on the exhaustion. Her pace was slow due to her shoes sinking into the sand, but she never stopped her approach. Once she was close enough she felt her shooters tense a bit, Astral chirping soflty in her ear questionly. With a lick of her lips and pauses a few feet from the brunette, and offers a nod of her head. [color=fff79a]"Before we start this assignment I wanted to apologize."[/color] Her expression doesn't change but internally she's smacking her head, she hadn't meant to say [i]that[/i]. But as she thinks about it she settles down, though they'd left her mouth without warning she means every word. She's not someone who stays angry very long or hold grudges, she's too friendly and stubborn to let it keep her down. [color=fff79a]And that, we'll kick everyone ass here by getting this artifact first."[/color] She adds after a beat of silence, a smile pulling her lips up. [color=fff79a]Noa where do we start...we have an entire island to search..."[/color] Her brows furrow in thought as she watches the other pairs plotting, glancing at Ms. Simone as she writes something down on a clipboard. While she had some supplies in her suitcase and her messenger bag, it wouldn't be enough for several days. Food especially, tilting her head and offers her roommate a grin before taking off towards Ms. Simone, excitement buzzing along her skin. A plan slowly forms in her head as she asks what she can ask for, Astral's tail beginning to wag at her change in mood. While she isn't sure her apology will help patch things up so soon, but she's willing to be optimistic and say that this will go great.