Artemis didn't even move at first as the other male gave her a command and then moved his finger. She knew that they weren't going to hurt her, but she wasn't going to let them take her away from Drei, she felt safe with him and he put her at ease. Only to feel his hand on her back, instantly her body responded by raising the hairs on her neck. This wasn't in fear, but a whole other emotion. Her heard was beating faster as she looked at the others of his race. They didn't look all that different, but enough to see that each one was different. Looking back at Azdrei'in and giving him a sweet smile. "I think I'm more safe here then I ever was on earth," she said as she then moved to follow the other male that clearly was another male warrior. Making sure to stay silent as she didn't want them to think that she knew his language. Only to look to the side and her eyes opening wide as she could see the ship look out upon space. She stopped moving as she started at the nebula that was in the distance. Only to see the other planets as a smile formed on her lips. It was clear that she was distracted by everything that was happening. Only to hear him speak again and starting to walk again. Looking around the halls that were of the same metal of the rest of the ship. Everywhere where she walked, she could see the looks of his kind, trying her hardest to look as innocent as possible. Noticing that she only ever saw adults. "Are there no children?" she asked as she then noticed a woman that stood in the hallway, she was elegant and she could see that they were much taller than her. She couln't help but stare, she was tiny and shapeless compared to those women and she realized that she was caught looking. Instantly she wanted to hide, but instead she tried to say the words that he had learned her. "S’dei dra jina Artemis" she said as she stumbled a bit on those words. Only to look back at Drei. "I probably said something else Azdrei'in?" she asked as she felt so out of place. What was she doing on that bloody spaceship? She had noticed the looks that her saying those words had gotten quite a few stares and she just wanted to hide. But she didn't, she just moved her eyes to look around at the ship as she realized they were walking for a while in what seemed like a long hallway. Only to follow the other warrior.