[b][center][hr][hr] [h1][color=09849f]Kwassi Asokho[/color][/h1] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363556781537886208/730211580951920750/YsQSj9E_d.webp[/img] [hr][hr] [color=09849f]Location:[/color] Quinjet > 219 West 47th Street [color=09849f]Skills: Trivia[/color] [hr][/center][/b] Kwassi wasn't going to press the issue any further than he already had. It was clear where Agent Chase stood. She placed too much trust in the system, something that Kwassi may learn as he progresses in S.H.E.I.L.D. but for now it left him wanting. There was precedent already for Heros rescuing others without the need of Big Brothers supervision. For all we knew Spider-Man had already saved his loved ones thrice over. If anything it made Kwassi want to dog through surveillance for every encounter the big eyed hero had been in and see if there were any reoccurring innocents in distress. If he could narrow down the list he may find the hero himself and gain some knowledge on how he feels about this new mandate as well as how his webs work. Perhaps they could work together on a new use for them? But that was neither here nor there. Kwassi had dressed in typical New Yorker [url=https://cdn1-www.thefashionspot.com/assets/uploads/gallery/new-york-mens-fashion-week-fall-2016-street-style/new-york-m-str-rf16-0239.jpg]fashion[/url]. White button up shirt with an open suit jacket, a coat over it, some dark slightly baggy pants, Timberlands, and sunglasses. He had brought with him a few flash grenades that emitted a blinding light in the event that Cap tried to run or that another mess of Skrulls appeared. He grabbed himself a latte as he made his way towards the car, looking over the team to see how they were feeling. Bonnie appeared to believe he was misogynistic but he wasn’t sure why, Matt seemed concerned and unsure towards his addition especially with his injury, and Cassandra thought he was cocky; which...he was. Kwassi slid into the back seat trying to think of a way to break the ice. [Color=09849f]"I'm as ready as I can be. ... ... Did you know one of my greatest idols growing up was Marie Curie? Woman was a pioneer of science and developed the mobile radiography units to provide X-Rays to field hospitals during the first World War. I feel this world would be much further along if men hadn't held women back for so many years."[/color]