[@Luminosity] [@Platinum Cobra] [@geminironin] [@Ryona Zako] [@alexfangtalon] [@Typical] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/aIE8uLg.jpg[/img][/center] [center][color=cc9331][h1]Brenton Ackerley[/h1][/color][/center] Through the panic, Brenton was vaguely aware of a hand on his shoulder, and a voice. He tried to breathe slowly as Freya advised, but each stab of pain made his breath rush back out. As Marcus took charge of the situation and spoke up, Brenton nodded, forcing himself forward on his hands and knees. Not an easy thing to do while still gripping the knife, knuckles scraping against rock. Dammit, he was already putting Freya in danger like this. If he went to pieces, he'd be even more of a liability. [color=cc9331]"Heh... Surfing in Australia sounds nice,"[/color] he panted, focusing on Freya's back. [color=cc9331]"And after this, I'll be able to deal with the snakes and spiders there no problem."[/color] Picturing a clear blue sea, he mentally repeated Freya's words. [i]We've got a lot of space still.[/i] It didn't feel like it, but at least the crowding meant everyone else was safe, or as close to safe as they could be. The tunnel led to a thankfully larger chamber, that blue light casting an odd glow on the rocks and on a shallow stream. Gripping a stony outcropping, Brenton pulled himself up with a wince and steadied his breathing the best he could. [color=cc9331]"Well that's not your average cave torch."[/color] The light source was clear now, some kind of hewn stone pedestal, a glow like a wispy flame emanating from its centre. Even if they'd managed to escape their attackers, they weren't alone. This cave was clearly inhabited. Glancing around for further danger, Brenton yelped and staggered back at the sight of a figure. A figure with a bow and arrow, pointed right at them. [hr] [center][color=de2f46][h1]Aubrey Hughes[/h1][/color][/center] With difficulty, Aubrey helped Hannei haul Aina onto Marcus' back. [color=de2f46]"It's ok, this is no problem,"[/color] she reassured them through clenched teeth, even though the patch of torn flesh burned. How deep was the wound? Trying not to think about it, she hurried after Freya, pulling Victor towards that odd glimmer. [color=de2f46]"Aina, Brenton, listen to me, we're going to get out, we're going to get the fuck out of here..."[/color] The tunnel widened into a chamber, large enough for her to stand at full height. Foot splashing into a trickle of water, Aubrey stepped back, frowning at the glowing structure that looked like it belonged in a video game. [color=de2f46]"Whoever set that up, I sure hope they're friendlier than those three..."[/color] She whirled round, nearly falling into the stream. Judging by the gnarled makeshift arrow pointed in their direction, the nearby crouching figure was NOT friendly. [color=de2f46]"Can't we get a fucking break already?"[/color] Pulling back, Aubrey raised the belt chain. That was when she fully registered the figure - a child, no older than ten. A human child, if a wild-looking one. Aubrey mentally scolded herself for swearing at a kid, but kept her guard up. After the trick the kelpie had pulled, how could they be sure this girl truly was human? [color=de2f46]"Who are you?"[/color] Aubrey asked, with a tentative step closer. Before she could get an answer, a scuttling sound caught her attention. Something small and long-fingered leapt through the tunnel, right at them. [color=de2f46]"Ah!"[/color] This time, Aubrey did topple as she dodged, water soaking her jeans. [color=de2f46]"You again?"[/color] She made a clumsy, pained swing with the chain, the lake goblin giggling as it danced out of the way. The group really couldn't get a break.