[CENTER][COLOR=yellow][B]C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T P R O P O S A L[/B][/COLOR][h1][color=lime][b]The Immoral Iron Fist[/b][/color][/h1][hr] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190404/f1c459fbfc8af4541fd57b9d59ad01d8.png[/img][h3][sup][sub][color=lime]B I R T H N A M E [color=yellow]♦[/color] O C C U P A T I O N [color=yellow]♦[/color] L O C A T I O N [color=yellow]♦[/color] A F F I L I A T I O N[/color][/sub][/sup][/h3][img]IMAGE/BANNER[/img] [/CENTER][COLOR=yellow][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR] [CENTER][sup][color=lime]”I’m gonna dragon kick your ass into the Mily Way!"[/color][/sup][/CENTER] [INDENT][INDENT][i]Danny Rand grew up in the lap of luxury. His father Wendall Rand ran Rand industries and was able to more than provide for his family, leading Danny to become a spoiled rotten upperclass kid with an unusual family pass time. Wendall didn’t like to talk about the origin of his obsession with martial arts but he was very adamant about sharing his passion with his son. Wendall paid top dollar for his son to train with some of the greatest martial artists on the planet. Danny didn’t complain as he enjoyed the power he felt came with getting in shape and learning to fight better than your average joe. However, despite his excellence in martial arts, Danny was more of a blemish on his family’s high held reputation. He abused his family’s fortune to throw wild and destructive parties, fly around the world and generally showboat his martial arts prowess. This came to a head though when his father finally had enough and cut Danny off after yet another wild party. Danny was set up with a small apartment in Manhattan and told he would have to make it on his own if he ever hoped to win back his family’s trust and be accepted back into the family fortune. Around the same time Sparrow of K’un-Lun was experiencing a similar exile from her normal way of life at the hands of her own family. Her situation was a little worse all things considered. Her brother Davos had made an attempt on the title of K’un-Lun’s champion after losing to Shu-Hu in the final test to gain the title. Against tradition Davos attempted to forcibly gain the power of the Iron Fist for himself by sneaking out of the city and to the shrine to dunk his fists in molten heart of Shou-Lao, the undying dragon. Sparrow, seeing her brother heading to the shrine, warned her father The Thunderer and the protectors of K’un-Lun. The horde of people rushed Davos but they couldn’t get to him before he dunked one of his arms in the stunning yellow stew. The Thunderer tackled his son but the damage was done as Davos now had half the power of the Iron Fist which was more than enough to amp up own martial prowess to super-human levels. Davos now easily fought off his attackers while Sparrow watched in horror. Sparrow knew she was out of her league against Davos and instead opted to grab the cauldron of molten dragon heart. Davos tried to chase her down but the K’un-Lun protectors and her father managed to keep him busy as she made her way back to the city. Sparrow knew there was nowhere in the realm that she could hide from Davos for long so she instead looked towards the massive gates that seemed to lead to nowhere for decades at a time. However, as Sparrow approached with the cauldron, a storm began to pick up around the gate with the faint outline of a rope bridge visible just beyond the veil. Without much of a choice, Sparrow rushed through the gate finding herself on Earth. After escaping the mountains and making her way to civilization Sparrow began to formulate a plan. She remembered her father telling stories of the last Iron Fist, a man from Earth who had somehow slipped into K’un-Lun as a child and grew up to win the tournament and become the immortal Iron Fist. The last Iron Fist gave up the power willingly in order to live out the rest of his life on Earth which is where Sparrow’s plan came from. She would venture out and find the last Iron Fist and beg him to return to K’un-Lun, using the power of the Iron Fist held in the cauldron, and save the city from Davos. Going off the few clues Sparrow remembered from the stories, she made her way to America, starting her search in New York. After a few days of searching Sparrow was exhausted, using what little resources she had managed to smuggle out of K’un-Lun to look for an obscure superhero in a land where they were commonplace. In her exhaustion she didn’t notice the men pining after the fancy bucket she was carrying. Sparrow was taken by surprise in an ally as one of the men bashed her over the head in an attempt to knock her out. The blow knocked the cauldron from her hands but she managed to keep awake and begin her counterattack. However, she wouldn’t be alone as a man ran from the street to her rescue and began using his own assortment of punches, kicks and palm-strikes to fight off the men alongside her. Things were going well until one the men got a lucky blow on Sparrow’s savour knocking him down next to the cauldron. Sparrow’s eyes widened in despair and fear as the man decided to use the cauldron as an impromptu weapon, dipping his hand in the liquid that the cauldron held and clocking one of the men with the stone and metal vessel. Danny’s first attempt at heroism had resulted in him nearly killing a thug with a superpower punch and a ornate pot, a furious martial artist/owner of the magic bowl and, a new career path set out before him. After a lot of yelling from Sparrow the two introduced themselves to one another and Sparrow explained her problem and the fact that Danny was now a very major setback too said plan. Danny offered to help Sparrow track down the previous Iron Fist so he could hand the power over. Sparrow reluctantly agreed as she admittedly wasn’t even certain how the last Iron Fist gave up the power willingly in the fist place. Wendall was devastated when he heard his son went missing but Danny felt better than ever now that he could go out show-boating his new powers around the world as they followed the trail of the last Iron Fist.[/i][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=yellow][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][i]I can’t remember when but I’d applied with this very same premise to one of these games a while back. I never ended up getting to write very much of it but it’s one of my biggest regrets in terms of RPs as I loved the concept to death. I’m really hoping that this time I’ll be able to flesh out all the ideas I had for Danny and Sparrow and write something that I’m happy with. As for character goals Danny and Sparrow will be traveling around the world looking for the last Iron Fist in order to get someone more qualified than the two of them to kick Davos’ ass. This tracking will mostly go down by Danny using his powers to detect sites where a load of Chi was used like when someone uses the Iron Fist. Getting to these sites Danny would get glimpses of the last Iron Fist using his powers in some way. Through these sites Danny would learn new Iron Fist techniques, expanding his arsenal and helping him and Sparrow find their Kung-Fu saviour. Over the course of the journey Danny would be helping Sparrow but also actively trying to prove himself good enough to live up to the name of Iron Fist initially as another way to showboat and brag but eventually he’d just want to since the mantle gives him purpose. Over the course of their adventures Davos would also send assassins, monsters and everything else in-between after Danny and Sparrow in an attempt to get the other fist of the Iron Fist.[/i][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=yellow][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][i]◼ Sparrow refuses to call Danny Iron Fist for the same reason she didn’t dunk her hand in Shou-Lao’s molten heart herself. The Iron Fist is a position held in high regard among K’un-Lun culture and Sparrow adamantly believes in her culture’s values and practices. ◼ Danny can channel the power of the Iron Fist all over his body but his techniques are most powerful coming from his right hand, which glows bright yellow where the molten heat of Shou-Lao touched but only when using his one of said techniques. ◼ Davos is superior to Danny in almost every way, that’s why Sparrow doesn’t break down and just train Danny to beat Davos. [/i][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=yellow][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]S A M P L E P O S T:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][i][hider=Danny Rand, Amateur Hero, Professional Asshole ] Danny stood with a vacant look on his face as he stared at all the clothes in the thrift shop. It was a far fall from getting suits custom made and flown in from some distant corner of the world but he knew he had to make do. Snapping back to reality Danny went back to looking for his new get up that would fire him into stardom along with the likes of Captain America, Wonder Woman and Bon Jovi. He walked past jean jackets, leather jackets, leather pants and all sorts of goofy secondhand clothes. As he looked around he began to zone out again as he imagined himself kicking ninja ass with his souped up arm. “Can I help you find what you’re looking for?” asked a store employee as Danny was once more got snapped out of his own head. [color=limen]”Got anything green and kick-ass looking?”[/color] Danny’s response was more so a stream of consciousness than a premeditated thought. “Uhh, I think we have a green tracksuit?” the woman said, slightly caught off guard by Danny’s sudden blurt, as she fished out the vest and pants off a rack that was stuffed too full to be able to discern any of the clothes from each other. Danny took the clothes and walked to a changing room near the back of the store. He wasn’t very jazzed about the suit but he also wanted to save himself the embarrassment so he decided to give the two piece suit a shot. While Danny changed into the old suit, a frail looking woman entered the store and began to look around for nothing in particular. The only employee on shift went to ask if the elderly lady needed help finding anything. “How about all the cash in the register?” she said in a deep voice as she deftly drew a gun from his little old purse. The store clerk was surprised and immediately put her hands in the air. The two walked tensely to the cash register and the clerk opened the till, beginning to hand over the small amount of cash and cupping change in her hands. All was going well for the villain known as Madame Fatal. That was until Danny stepped out of the changing room wearing the run down and faded green and yellow tracksuit. [color=lime]”Hey, you should really think about sticking a mirror in there, it’d spe-“[/color] “Hands in the air asshat!” yelled Mr.Fatal, swinging his aim in Danny’s direction. Danny’s arms shot above his head, staring the gun right down the barrel. If he was closer he might be able to disarm the cross-dressing criminal but being at the other end of the store he was out of luck. Madame Fatal turned back to the terrified clerk, holding his purse to the woman’s change filled hands as she dumped the change in the bag. Danny’s mind raced, grasping for a way to get his hands on Madame Fatal. His mind began to think back to Sparrow telling him about all the things the old Iron Fists could supposedly do, namely firing bolts of chi from a bow or a gun. He hadn’t gotten a whole lot of information about how to go about the technique or if the long range weapon was a requirement of the move but at the moment it seemed like his only option. He figured maybe if he willed it hard enough and went with his gut on what to do he could let loose something to close the gap. Closing his eyes, Danny focused his chi like Sparrow had been teaching him and felt the life force of that dragon flow through him. His right hand contorted into an awkward ‘hang-loose’ gesture and he snapped his eyes open, zeroing in on the deceptively undecrepit thug. Danny held his breathe and brought his hand down in a flicking motion to fire his bolt of pure chi. What really happened was a whole lot of nothing coming from his hand and Madame Fatal spinning around to face Danny again, gun trained on his chest. With less of a plan than before and frazzled fiend ready to end his heroic career with a bang. Danny decided to make one last ditch effort as he ducked down and lobbed a heavily overfilled rack of clothes into the air and at Madame Fatal. Gun shots rang out over the once quite afternoon as Fatal tried to fire at Danny through the incoming rack, only for the thick padding to stop the bullets and come crashing into him, sprawling him across the floor. Given his chance, Danny closed the distance as quickly as he could but Madame Fatal was already getting to his feet and once again taking aim at the track-suit clad titan. Focusing his chi again, Danny brought a chi empowered left jab straight to the man’s stomach, sending Madame Fatal through the shop’s window into the full view of the neighbourhood. Still in a half crouched position Danny paused. He half expected to wake up outside the pearly gates or somewhere far worse but the fact that he could still feel the musty smell of the tracksuit in his nostrils let him know that he was still breathing. Danny stood up properly and looked out the shattered window with a smirk before turning his attention back to the frightened store clerk. That’s when the gravity of the damage he had done really settled in with the busted window and broken rack. [color=lime]”I’ll take the suit!”[/color] Danny exclaimed as he quickly took out his wallet and slapped down 25 dollars in cash and proceeded to sprint out of the store before the police arrived, leaving the employee in shock. Danny didn’t stop running until he got back to his motel room where he proceeded to swear like a sailor as he realized he’d left his own clothes in the changing room.[/hider] [/i][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=yellow][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]P O S T C A T A L O G:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][i]Tales yet to be told...[/i][/indent][/indent]