Nala sees the strange girl with the black lips flinch like as if she were stung by a bee and then her hand flashed red. It happened in the blink of an eye and if Nala wasn't watching she wouldn't have seen it. Suddenly a yelp escaped the arena down below and the man standing right behind Talon collapsed as if struck. Talon swirled around quickly, his sword suddenly ready in his fists, as the man behind him screamed and collapsed. His first instinct was to look to his sister in the benches watching the tests. She was standing and looking serious and panicked. She made a small gesture with her head to her right and Talon quickly scanned the audience. There was a motley of strange people in the audience but no one stood out to him. Talon turned back to his sister and she was making her way quickly through the watchers and disappeared somewhere behind the stands. A pair of nurses were now attending to the fallen potential knight or inquisitor, whichever this one desired to be. "He is dead," one of the said sadly to no one in particular, "his heart has failed, may he find peace." She bowed her head in a quick prayer and motioned for two guards standing off to the side to haul the body away. "The Testing! Shall! Continue!!" Boomed the announcer, and the line turned to keep moving. Talon relaxed his stance and recradled his sword and turned to move forward onto the next set of challenges.