[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/EF9CAQ4.png[/img][/center] [center][hider=Hilde Banner][h3][color=steelblue]Hilde Bell[/color][/h3]Age: 27/15 | Gender: Female/Female | Spirit | Skimpy Mystic | Teleportation | Lesser Force Enhanced Weapon, Blood Magic, Transfiguration, Enhanced Outfit, Soul Jar Focused, Subtle, Mystic Might Limited, Big Brother STR: 03 | AGI: 03 | VIT: 03 | MAG: 04 | LCK: 03 STR: 04 | AGI: 07 | VIT: 07 | MAG: 16 | LCK: 04 [/hider][/center] Her hard work looked to be paying off. Though what exactly to do with the info was a bit harder to decide. Justine was not her friend in the slightest. Theoretically Hilde had the vampire girl to thank for her current existence, but she was the one that had Janet kill Amber. Bah, too many factors. Bottom line was the girl was evil and underhanded. She needed to let her friends know. No telling what exactly she was planning. While she hadn't put her name on the list to be contacted about this raid she knew it would be coming eventually. Fumbling for her phone a bit she send a quick message to Ronin. [quote=Hilde][color=steelblue]Be careful around Justine. I think she's the one kidnapping MGs in the city.[/color][/quote][@PlatinumSkink] Debating whether to send a message to the twins she decided to actually go to Beacon's HQ to deliver the info. They were the ones that were supposedly going to be close to her soon. With her flight and teleportation it didn't take long to arrive. Beacon, while they were on good terms, were on higher alert than usual so they wouldn't let her in. She wasn't a member after all. Stupid. Shooting a quick message to Janet for her to read her mind she passed on the details that way. For the moment she would hang around but would probably be off again before getting dragged further into things going on. [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/IFtEXyF.png[/img][/center] [center][hider=Janet/Cindy Banner][h3][color=khaki]Janet Howell[/color] / [color=cyan]Cindy Ford[/color][/h3] Age: 68/15 | Gender: Male/Female | Reinforcement, Psychic, Lightning | Uniform Spear, Fists | Twinned Soul | Beacon Enhanced Weapon, Healing Artifact, Dual Weapon, Gifted, Monstrous Metamorphosis, Enhanced Transformation, Ally, Incognito, Big Backpack, Defender, Fake Parents Perfect Life, ShineSpark, Genki Girl, Magical Overload Vow (Charity), Excommunication, Thick Skin, Second Specialization Chaos Engine, Broken Reincarnation STR: 06 | AGI: 06 | VIT: 06 | MAG: 06 | LCK: 06 STR: 13 | AGI: 12 | VIT: 13 | MAG: 17 | LCK: 09 STR: 16 | AGI: 12 | VIT: 18 | MAG: 17 | LCK: 09 [/hider][/center] [center][hider=Jenna Banner][h3][color=Plum]Jenna Howell[/color][/h3] Age: 68/15 | Gender: Male/Female | Reinforcement, Psychic | Uniform Spear, Ranged | Copycat, Third Eye | Beacon Enhanced Weapon, Healing Artifact, Dual Weapon, Gifted, Monstrous Metamorphosis, Enhanced Transformation, Ally, Incognito, Big Backpack, Defender, Fake Parents Perfect Life, ShineSpark, Genki Girl, Magical Overload Vow (Charity), Excommunication, Thick Skin, Second Specialization Chaos Engine, Broken Reincarnation STR: 06 | AGI: 06 | VIT: 06 | MAG: 06 | LCK: 06 STR: 10 | AGI: 13 | VIT: 14 | MAG: 17 | LCK: 06 STR: 13 | AGI: 13 | VIT: 14 | MAG: 17 | LCK: 06 [/hider][/center] For the most part the twins were going back and forth about what exactly to do still. When this was all over they might see about perusing some other alternatives with Cindy. Appeasing both sides was more complicated once all the outside factors started coming into play. The inner conflict got sidetracked for a moment when they got a message from Hilde. Getting new info on Justine, potentially anyway, the twins glanced at each other for a moment before seeking out the next person in charge. Alicia being out this fell to Rachel. Considering who it was about though that almost didn't matter. No one trusted Justine to begin with and this only added to the pile. It took a bit before they could get in to talk. [color=khaki]"We've just received a report that Justine may be the one snatching people off the street."[/color] It wasn't the most far fetched thing. She herself had been kidnapped by the same.