Ysaryn smiled, nodding amiably at Kire's request. When Gavin asked about horses, her smile fell instantly with dread, before she made the connection between his assumption and the reality. The trip was short. She held on to Kire's hand, while Ruli held Rab's and Gavin's to get them to the mountains. The youngest among them roiled uneasily after the fact, and Ysaryn watched him with a sort of glee while he collected himself. Even Rab looked off-colour, but he remained upright, even if he focused intently on the ground to remain that way. Her eyes followed Ruli as the man slipped away, not into the caves but through the woods. Southward. Toward where they were intending on building their residence. "You, go." Ysaryn said with another muted smile. "I miss my family. I will return in a few days." She promised. "Offer Envy my hello. And tell Zeck to eat fecal." A wicked grin, and she vanished once more, Rab's eyes searching for her for more than a few seconds before he followed Kire and Gavin into the caves. Envy was waiting for them in the main chamber, along with several others of his makeshift household. Zeke was not among them to be told to eat 'fecal', but Aeron's young face watched in curisoity as the trio arrived. He muttered quietly, and Envy nodded as they stepped before him. "Ysaryn and Ruli?" He asked simply, cutting to the chase. When informed that one had returned to her people, and the other had wondered off somewhere nearby, Envy only nodded. "You've brought me new faces." Envy said, catching their scents, hearing their steps, even if he couldn't actually [i]see[/i] their faces. Rab was entranced. He had seen the Kartaian dolls in the mines, had seen their viciousness bleed out of them even in their incapacitated state. This on, so much smaller, so much softer. His colouring, with the scars that covered a large amount of his skin, didn't look so different from Rab's own. His eyes, Envy's now the soft cloudy pink that Rab boasted in his sclera. He opened his mouth and pointed, from Envy to his chest, in an inaudible question. Envy blinked, tilting his head curiously, before he looked in Kire's general direction (he guessed, based on footsteps), and arched an eyebrow.