With the combined power of all four legs, Raleigh speared through the Nixie as if she were made of butter. As it turned out, he wasn’t far off. His antlers drove through the water spirit’s chest, the force launching the knife from her hand and off into the far cave wall with a loud [i]clang[/i]. Her body writhed with agony, taking on an appearance entirely devoid of her former beauty, and humanity. A power seemed to be building within her as Raleigh rode her through. He knew it would be some kind of sound attack and he was defenseless. [i]Shit...[/i] A blue blur shot past. Its silver hair flew behind it like the shimmering pennon of a gallant knight. It was Henry, transformed. With Henry's killing blow, preventing the sonic blast, the Nixie wilted, her china pallor discolouring to the green-brown of stagnant water and her face desiccated like an Egyptian mummy. The Nixie’s body was becoming flaccid as it hemorrhaged water from every pore and shrunk upon Raleigh’s horns as if punctured. Her dying breaths lacked all the enchantment of her magic, the screams reverberating off the walls in a chaotic dissonance. It thrummed in Raleigh’s ears still as he came to a halt, the creature now nothing more than a puddle of murky water on the floor and a thin varnish on his barbs. He felt no remorse for his actions. He was a protector by, and of, nature and those who held no sanctity for life should be terminated. Their spirits would live on on another plane and be better for it. Raleigh turned to see if he was further needed. The young vampiress had dealt with the other Nixie he saw, its body slumped against the wall, on which the force of the impact was clear to see. Dr. Kinnon was addressing the wounded shewolf, calling for Atticus’ aid. Raleigh prayed he hadn’t been too late. He walked to the pool of filth past Henry who too had transformed to assist him and muttered under his breath in an ancient tongue. He blessed the essence of the deceased spirit almost unconsciously, keeping his ears on what was happening with the dying Nixie and werewolf. Atticus’ interrogation headed his attention. Raleigh had started to move over – knowing he’d only get in the way of the Doctor’s work – when he heard the first response. “We…were sent by the Lady of Ice…” Raleigh had to admit he’d never heard of this ‘Lady of Ice’. Was she another werewolf, or a spirit like the Nixie? Why had she targeted Mr. Hoyle’s sister? What were her further motives? He looked to Henry for answers. Perhaps he’d know, being a water spirit like the two villains. The grilling continued to a point where the Nixie appeared dead. Of course, she wasn’t yet, otherwise she’d be liquid. A final answer came after an agonising silence. “The mark, we followed the mark.” ‘The mark’? Raleigh pondered. “The bone moon you used back in Ardgroom. Could that be the mark? Mr. Hoyle, is there anything else they could mean?” Raleigh looked to Reginald, stooped by his sister whom was rapidly fading away.