[b]Milo Thomas[/b] Milo was running as fast as "Run Away Level 1" could carry him, though he wasn't truly sure what it did or how it did it. If he thought to examine what was happening while this skill was active, he would realize that he was not only running faster than normal, but he was also stepping around and over obstacles that he didn't even notice existed. But he was too busy running away to take note of this. If this had been London, and if Milo were running from someone who meant him harm, he would have darted down the nearest side street, slipped down an alley and quickly lose his pursuer in the labyrinthine paths of the ancient city. Unfortunately for Milo, there were no side streets or alleys out here that he could slip down, nor was this London where he knew just about every twist and turn so well he could slip away practically with his eyes closed; to escape the pursuing kobolds, he just had to keep running out in the open and hope to outpace them. As he was running, he heard a howl of despair. Milo stopped and turned toward the sound. He had left the battle far behind, and his small stature granted him no favors in being able to see what was going on over such a distance, but he did see something shoot up and then fall back down in the distance. Milo couldn't tell for sure, but he thought it might have looked like a head? Maybe that woman who had been cutting off the heads of kobolds with that red rope had done the same to the Kobold Lord? As Milo considered these things, he took stock of his surroundings once more. He seemed to be utterly alone. The kobolds that had been chasing him, the reason he had been running in the first place, were nowhere to be seen. Had he actually lost them? Or had they fled when their leader fell? Or were they just too far away for Milo to see and would appear again to attack him before long? Milo wasn't sure which scenario was true, but if they were just going to show up again soon enough, Milo didn't want to hasten the encounter by running back in the very direction that he had left the monsters behind. And now that the adrenaline was wearing off, Milo realized how tired he was from the running, not to mention still hungry, having not eaten anything since waking up in this strange world. Luckily for him, the other strangers were taller than him, and thus able to see farther in this vast, flat expanse, so as long as Milo stayed above the top of the grass, he should have a chance of being found. But Milo had no idea how much distance he had covered in his run, or how far away from the others he truly was. Still, he was lost, and he didn't want to risk running into those kobolds that he had been running from again, so he would just have to wait to be found. He just hoped that whatever found him first was friendly. He didn't want to have to run away again.