Medaira made a happy approving sound and a nod as she received the information about the Mechanicus' state as of late. This spoke well, as much as chaos infiltrators liked to be sneaky and infiltrating especially when dealing with the forces of the 'smart' one, in the productions there would always be traces to show up, no matter how tiny. Of course it was possible that such traces were just never made present to this governor, but it was nice to hear. It would require personal touch of an investigation by herself to confirm if the Mechanicus is operating fine, but for hte time being Medaira reasoned they could be left to the lower priority with a reminder to keep an eye out. Her servo skull... head made a chirpy sound as they left, following their glorious leader. One of htese days she needed to get a second one done, 3's the charm and all that. On that note though, before leaving, Medaira made sure to confirm the changes to the palace's systems. In the Governor's rooms, she made it so the Air Conditionings would always be wrong. Whenever turned on, randomly it woudl select more or less than the chosen temperatures within a reasonable margin and then keep that. So he will NEVER be just right! It would always be just a tad too could or a touch too warm! [color=8dc73f][i]'GLORIOUS~!'[/i][/color] Medaira thought as they were leaving. It was one of those small things in life she could enjoy. It hurt nobody and it was hell of a prank, especially given how unlikely it was to be discovered anytime soon. As Andromedai Superior had stated, they had to behave Inquisitionary.[color=8dc73f][i]' Maintaining street cred is so hard~!'[/i][/color] She thought and sighed inwardly as they were getting back onto the ship. The arrival at the not so perfectly hidden hideout was rather uneventful. She almost wanted to enter into the comm systems to start playing music, but didn't. She was saving that one for later, maybe when they were in a combat scenario! That would be nice, though she looked at her servo head and made a thinking face. Did she need to use the comms when she could just use the head to play the music? It would certainly make battles more entertaining! Why weren't there specialized battle musicians to boost morale? They needed to train those guys as a specialized army! She was pulled out of her battle musician scenario planning as the ship landed and they made their way out. Such a shame, she actually saw a lot of potential in the idea. Maybe she should try pitching it somewhere. Those thoughts aside, she let out a very happy chirp now that they were inside the base.[color=8dc73f]" Well secured, great structural integrity, natural defenses. I designate this great work of architecture a great thing! We need to hollow out more mountains~!"[/color] Medaira whistled as they walked, getting familiar with the place. Until they met another Celestian of lower rank than their own gloorious leader. This one made a reference to members of the retinue from times past. The mention of the Mercenary, brought Medaira's attention to the Sister of Battle. She wanted to meet the Mercenary. Maybe she was alive still, maybe eventually! She had some records and reports of the non mechanicus woman who had displayed great profficiency with doing mechanicus things and creating technological marvels! Medaira would LOVE the idea to join hands~ Ohh the miracles they could create! She felt giddy just at the thought of it. Finally being brought to the kitchen with the enticing armoa of food in the air, Medaira smiled at the sight.[color=8dc73f]" This is a marvelous display of skill."[/color] She stated as she finally reached to her face with her metal arm and lightly grasped her breather like device. After a moment and a metal click, she took it off and she stored it on her robes, taking a breath of non filtered air.[color=8dc73f]" My gratitude and I'm not picky about food."[/color] She replied, her voice lacking the usual synthetic notes to it from whever she was speaking through the breather. With that she finally slowly took a seat. Her sitting posture was actually rather prim and propper all things considered. She took off her hood, letting her short white hair free.[color=8dc73f]" I would love some coffee if possible." [/color]The techpriestess said with a smile as her servo head flew over and hovered by her shoulder, making it appear almost like she had two identical heads.