[indent][indent][color=gray][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0f7t5nD.png?1[/img] [b][color=silver]“Intergalactic Space Crusaders”[/color][/b] Prologue [hr][/center] [color=green]“Hold on.”[/color] The Green Lantern paused, holding up her hand as a bright green light flickered from the power ring on her hand. [color=green]“I gotta take this.”[/color] [center][img]https://comicvine1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/original/12/124259/7500120-rco016_1596536739.jpg[/img][/center] [i][color=white]“Lantern Mullein, there is a critical Class 3 extranormal threat on route to your destination.”[/color][/i] Even after half-a-decade, Sojourner Mullein still hadn’t quite gotten used to the Green Lantern Corps’ artificial intelligence that she had come to know as AYA. Wearing the ring gave her access to not only the powers given to her by Ion and the Guardians, but also it gave the supercomputer’s AI access to her brain. It was invasive. Kilowog said she would get used to it eventually, which wasn’t really the case. That said, it was good to know when there was extranormal threats inbound to the planet she called home. [color=green]“Class 3? That’s an unidentified object of dangerous mass and velocity. A NEO?”[/color] [i][color=white]“Correct. I would advise you to immediately move to contain it. You do not want it to reach its target vectors.”[/color][/i] Giant space rock. Collision course with Earth. It was a classic science fiction trope. But this wasn't Hollywood and being a space cop and member of the Justice League meant these sort of things were her bread and butter. Though she really wished these sort of things happened when she wasn’t in the middle of therapy. Being a space cop didn’t exactly pay in American dollars and the whole Justice League gig was [i]very[/i] pro-bono. All of her Earth-based income was from public appearances and needing to protect an entire sector of space cut into a lot of her time. Still, it was better than the alternative. [color=green]“Sorry Doc, I've--”[/color] [color=white]“I heard. Unidentified object, right?”[/color] The psychiatrist smiled warmly as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. [color=green]“We'll continue this later.”[/color] Awkward. She supposed she should’ve responded to AYA in her head, especially in the presence of her psychiatrist, but it just wasn’t something she consciously thought about doing. Besides, thinking wasn’t something she did a whole lot. She was more about acting, even when it wasn’t in her best interest to do so. Was one of the reasons the NYPD kicked her ass out of the door without a second thought. A green hue surrounded the superheroine as she got up to her feet before moving to the nearest window. Green energy split through the gap, forcing it open after releasing the lock. In a matter of seconds she was gone from the Gotham City office and lighting up the sky as a trail of energy followed her as she headed toward the stratosphere, leaving her therapy session inconclusive. But as they said, she had bigger fish to fry. While she was still in communications range she made a quick mental note to explain the situation to any of the other members of the Justice League that were listening. Not that most of them could help. Hell, only one of them probably could assist her if she needed any. Still. It had to be done. All things considered, she had to hand it to the king of brooding. The network he had established around an old satellite had come pretty useful for coordination and coordination was something useful. She still wondered about all of Batman's connections and resources, but generally she had more fish to fry. She didn't make a habit out of interrogating her allies. [b][color=green]“Justice League, this is Green Lantern. We’ve got a problem with a wild piece of space rock that's on a collision course for, well, us. I’m responding as fast I can.”[/color][/b] The message seemed clear enough. [b][color=green]“If things go wrong, someone's going to have to catch debris with their face.”[/color][/b] [/color] [/indent][/indent]