[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#556B2F]Luna Braddock - Glimpse[/color][/h1][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/a8b8a0243a6d105fd79755a12dc50800/tumblr_inline_mkmyofd5mV1qz4rgp.gif[/img][hr] [color=#556B2F][b]Location:[/b][/color] Mutant Underground Medical -- Washington D.C. [color=#556B2F][b]Skills:[/b][/color] [/center][hr][hr] Luna smiled weakly at James and nodded, watching him go to fetch her some water and hopefully something she could eat. Luna sighed, trying to get her breath even but she just couldn’t. She tilted her head back and stared up at the ceiling, thinking about the situation they all found themselves in and how royally fucked a lot of them were. James was right about one thing though. She would be doing what she could to look after him if it was him in this position or doing what she could to find a cure. Her father said he was working on finding one and she hoped he was close. Slowly, Luna’s mind started to shift and she groaned as she realized that the symptoms were getting worse again. Luna grabbed onto the trash can and vomited into the can rather than on herself or the bed. The red winked up at her and tears ran down her face as she thought that dying may not be so bad at this moment. She pulled her head out of the trash can and looked around the medical room for a moment before he head pulled her in a different direction and she started to giggle like someone with a school yard crush. There was a certain female on her mind suddenly and Luna was blushing.