[center][h2][color=ec008c]Astrad Lungren[/color][/h2] [img]https://i.imgur.com/TZtQTA4.jpg[/img] Levittown, Pennsylvania[/center] This was really not Astrad's day. Not only were they being swarmed by a veritable legion of HYDRA minions and grunts that were all out for their blood and maybe their brains, Agent Sitwell had also left him hanging in the air. The line with his superior had been producing nothing but the characteristic white noise that can either indicate that Sitwell was ignoring his call, had been disconnected, or was preoccupied with something else. This was very much unlike Sitwell, though, as that bald man had always been a rather upright agent that somewhat commanded respect out of Astrad, even if the former had a rather slick and laid back attitude when it comes to communicating with those he is a little… well, chummy with. Still, there was no denying that Agent Lungren was very good at his job… most of the time. But, as was stated earlier, things were getting bleak in here. Amelia and Sparky had already flown off, and the horde was nearly upon them. [color=ec008c]"Come on…"[/color], Astrad muttered as he prepared to pummel another set of HYDRA minions with his massive floating ice fist… only for Maria to confirm that she was going to… Uhm. Carry him. He hesitated, tilting his head a little bit as he was concerned that she would have a hard time carrying someone of his weight. [color=ec008c]"Are you sure you want to- AH!"[/color] It wasn't long before Levittown was way below them, a patchwork of buildings and streets that wanted to kill them a few moments ago. Now, they were safe as they could be in this kind of situation, high up in the clouds. Hopefully HYDRA didn't have any air assets in the area. Looking around the three women that were just strangers at this point, he began speaking a bunch, a little embarrassed that Maria really was having difficulty carrying him.[color=ec008c] "So… is it just me, or did my superior ignore my distress call right in the middle of that HYDRA horde attack? I called for backup… and I was only met with white noise. It… makes absolutely no sense for him to hang up on me like that. Unless if we were being jammed…"[/color]