Ysaryn's smile shrank slightly when she settled her eyes on Gavin, the colours of her eyes shifting like the facets of the jewels they were. She regarded him for a long moment, then the others around him, seemingly at ease, before she raised her chin. "They are alive." She began. "They will recover in time. For now, they rest, eat, and are tended to." Her piercing gaze moved to Kire, then, one of her eyebrows raising. "You are leaving? For good?" The elf asked, looking put out by the thought. "Then yes. It is my civic duty to drink with you. As a farewell, and to celebrate a friendship that will branch across our tribes." Ysaryn bent to set the heavy crate down, and, as if realizing he could do the same, Ruli bent to set his down as well. "I stay for a while. Few days. Is easy enough to check in on home." She straightened and put her hands on her hips, her left arm still bandaged, the cloth different; her own tribe using their own material. Her eyes moved between then, once more lingering on Gavin for longer than necesary, as if she was gauging the level of danger he created. "When do we drink?" "We could go to the stream." Ruli offered. "Close enough to wander in and crash when we need to."