[center][img]https://imgur.com/6kC4WvK.jpg[/img] [@DarkRecon][@canaryrose][@Hitman][@Duoya][/center] Pandora was content with the fact that her new house guests didn't immediately turn on each other. The waifish one, Grace, seemed to have finally put herself together and gained some semblance of composure. Chad had also creeped down stairs and once again introduced himself by shouting his name. [color=fdc68a][i]He doesn't seriously expect people to shout his name every time they want to get his attention, right? Ha. I'm not doing it. Doesn't matter how many times he whines. I'm not going to say 'Hey, THE BULLET, come look at this.'[/i][/color] Pandora thought to herself, self-satisfied in her petty refusal of the teenager. The brit followed Grace and the others upstairs and stood at the back, quietly watching Grace talk. This was what she expected of the people that were going to show up at her flower shop. Maybe her call out had whipped some sense into the girl. Pandora was going to take credit for this turnaround. Pandora frowned, though, as Grace began to mess with her flowers. Had the situation been less dire she would have absolutely interrupted this defiance of Pandora's sense of interior design. Pandora focused on the discussion of strategy but she was obvioulsy distracted. She practically flinched when she put a handkerchief on it. When Grace seemed to be done talking Pandora pushed between Chad and Patricia and went to grab her pots. She took the handkerchief off and was briefly unsure of what to do with it before just shoving it onto Grace's chest, expecting her to hold it there. The now seemingly finnicky florist fretted over her carefully maintained plants. [color=fdc68a]"Don't touch my flowers and don't put your snotty hankies on them, either."[/color] She chastised. The line seemed to want more power but she almost seemed to say it to herself. Manipulating the air she held all the plants aloft with one hand. She placed them all back to where they were originally. Then she went back to the bonsai tree that was back on the windowsill and literally adjusted it by inches. Clearly she had a precise place for it to be, down to the exact angle. Rushing back around the room she did the same thing for all the others, using her fingers to rotate it back into it's original place. Every once in a while she brought a hand up to the rose in her hair and caressed it's red petals. [color=fdc68a][i]Unbelievable. Messing with my flowers. I let you into my home and you mess with my flowers? Why? Don't you have one of those smarty phones? Just use one of those app things![/i][/color] Pandora was under the impression she was only thinking these thoughts. In reality, though she was actually quietly murmering them under her breath. If someone was paying attention they could easily catch snippets of her complaints. Pandora was so focused on this she barely reacted to the flare that shot up into the sky, perfectly framed by one of her perfectly cleaned windows.