[b]The Things We Do For Love[/b] ~[@Stern Algorithm], [@13org] (FYR)~ [quote=Sylvia Altissima][color=bc8dbf]"One of the cooking contestants got kidnapped, and we're trying to seal off the fair so they don't get away. Some are heading for the entrance, others are going to the port. I'll try to contact the authorities. If memory serves, Sister Riñas said she was hosting the quiz game, right?"[/color] [/quote] "[color=steelblue]I see. Quite the predicament we have ourselves here.[/color]" Sir Reed remarked. "[color=steelblue]Say, who are the ones that went to the entrance?[/color]" "Yang and Ada." Neil quickly answered. "[color=steelblue]Right. I'll go and meet up with them. They might need the help. Sir Freyr and Miss Haley should probably come with me too.[/color]" Reed declared. "[color=steelblue]You three are gonna try to find the Dark Priest, right? Well then, let's not waste anymore time.[/color]" The knight then took off to the port's entrance to give aid to the monk and monster. [quote=Sylvia Altissima][color=bc8dbf]"Neil, stick close okay? We don't know what the Kikimora wants, but you can't risk you getting kidnapped too. We'll try to find Sister Riñas so she can alert the authorities, and maybe we'll find Ozzy too."[/color][/quote] "Don't worry, I'll be care-- Whooaaa!" Neil was startled when the Liliraune's vine wrapped around him and lifted him up in the air. It took moments for him to process what just happened, being suspended in the air and all. "Uhh, uhh, umm..." He stuttered his words, flushed. "I-I-Is this really necessary, you two? Who-who's gonna carry you around?" Fortunately for the three, the port's denizens were more than happy to point them to Riñas direction. She was found at the port's church. It looked saintly and white, unbefitting of her kind but she was just outside and talking to some other people. A group of four: a human, a Lamia, a Harpy and a Centaur. When she was called, she immediately reacted. Noting the alarm in the [u]Altissima sisters'[/u], she made haste to the three guild members. "[color=mediumpurple]Wh-What? What is it?[/color]" She quickly asked. "[color=mediumpurple]And why is Mister Neil up in the air? Did he do something wrong?[/color]" She pointed at the young man held by the Liliraune's vine. [hr] ~[@ShwiggityShwah], [@Rezod92], [@Restalaan] (DIT)~ [quote=Kira Gigas][/quote] [quote=Ozzy Skyway][color=gold]"Margaret! You should come along! You get to see how male monsters and the Guild work together! Heck of a learning experience!"[/color][/quote] Margaret took a large breath in to calm down, returning to her species' well-known stoic and calm nature. "[color=tan]This... is a lot to take in.[/color]" She said in a quiet tone. "[color=tan]First, a multitude of male monsters. One is an incredible discovery on its own, but an entire group? Unheard of, practically miraculous.[/color]" She looked at [u]Ozzy[/u] and [u]Ditzy[/u]. "[color=tan]And now, a kidnapping in this peaceful old port. Does your presence always invite such... excitement?[/color]" "[color=tan]Regardless, we should inform the authorities. Miss Kira, was it? Do you have any specifics regarding this kidnapping?[/color]"