When Steph nodded, Benjamin went to the door and walked to her new room. The furniture there would be the same as in her old room; just the basic needs to allow agents to change their clothes and sleep there. He walked passed the dent in the wall where Gaia had crashed into. That would have to be repaired, but it probably would take a day or two before there would be people working on it. What an eventful day. Hopefully the next day would be a little less exciting. [hr] "We are getting quite divers, yes," Stuart said, "although not by choice I'd say. I mean, sure, they accepted the dragongirl and the aliengirl as agents, and in the past the agency had hired a vampire or a demon as special agent for specific missions, but that is rare. The recent changes were unplanned and transformed agents that cause no harm can't be discharged, according to Article 12. I'm sure you are still wanted, but I wouldn't use the recent events to say the agency as a whole is more divers and open to agents of other kinds." He had opened the program where he could make the new file and he started typing the things he already knew. "When you're ready, and if you consent, would you please undress so I can examine your body?" [hr] The agent looked at the hand, then at the spider who apparantly was called Y'moph, and he quickly shook it. "Alex. The poles are over there, Jim overhere has the map they have to be put in the ground. We'll add a gate too and give they key of the lock to you, so you can leave when you need to." He noticed he got a message and took his phone to check it. "Oh, and our agency has some questions about the transformation of our agent, if you have time for that."