Ysaryn watched Gavin leave with the same feline gaze, shifting it to Kire only when she purred under her fingers. Her eyebrows rose when Kire expressed her scent, and Ysaryn smiled in honest approval. "[i]That is a scent I am honoured to carry.[/i]" The elf purred in her tongue, the delight on her tongue enough to translate without words. As Kire asked about telling her something, Ysaryn nodded, her fingers still exploring the blonde's soft hair. Her confession, drunken or not, was steeped in a quiet shame. Ysaryn didn't blink or falter, her fingers still moving. Ysaryn pursed her lips, trying to find the words to speak in their shared language, knowing Kire needed to hear words. "Do not know [i]a[/i] Chief to only want [i]rodyn.[/i] Power. [i]Responsibilitui.[/i]" She said gently in her drunken tongue. "Chief who do, who only see throne, not good. Good chief want else." Gently, she pinched Kire's hair between her thumb and index finger and tugged lightly. "What do Kirai want? No Chief? Then ... [i]Limb adan[/i]? Fish man? Mother?" Her wicked smile overcame her lips, though it was coated in care. "You stay? Live here?"