[h3]Sector CLXXVII[/h3] A small detachment of a single destroyer and IV frigates was moving throvgh the empty space on patrol dvty, scanning the svrrovnding area in search of pirates or worse. "Princeps, receiving an open transmission. Origin... several thovsand light years away, calcvlating." A pavse of a few minvtes. "Origin confirmed. Sector MXII, segentvm XXIII." The princeps a bald old man looked at the console. "What? What does the transmission contain?" The operator looked vp from his console. "Cvrrently vnknown, no matching data for the format of the message." The princeps thinks for a moment before issving his orders. "Forward the message with ovr cvrrent position and timestamp to the intelligentia propellente, they shovld be able decode that transmission and analyze it!" The operator then proceeded to forward the message. "Retvrn to scanning! We have ovr own dvties." [h3]Sector CCLIII[/h3] Another patrol detachment received a very fragmented transmission, this one seems to come from the other side of the galaxy. The origin was determined to be somwhere at the ovter parts of the galaxy, designated as secmentvm CXI. The transmission got fragmented, throvgh the interference of singvlarities like black holes and more mysteriovs forces, as it travelled throvgh the void. Like the other patrol detachment did, they also forwarded the message to the specialists of the Imperivm Romanvm Phoenix. [h3]Intelligentia Propellente, Planet Appvleia, Systema Solaris Magna[/h3] "We received two transmissions forwarded to vs by patrols in different areas of ovr space. The first came from near the galactic center and seems to be an avdio-visval transmission. We are cvrrently trying to complete a decoder to actvally view the content of the transmission. The second message is, mildly said, a complete wreck. We have no idea what the transmission covld mean." An old man in dark vniform was holding his presentation to the vnknown transmissions received a few days earlier. "I recommend to send a recon grovp to each of the locations. Even if we are vnable to decipher the content of the messages, we shovld still try to get more information from the actval locations." "What kind of recon grovps are we talking abovt? If first contact is to be established, which is likely IF we find something, the High Covncil wovld want to have at least a member present." A middle aged man, also in the same vniform, asked in response to the proposal. "A valid qvestion. For the first origin, I wovld recommend to send a light crviser with a few destroyers. The problem is the second origin. The grovp send there needs to be larger, svpply ships need to be inclvded. A heavy crviser at least, joined by several light crvisers, dozens of destroyers and svpply ships." "The second grovp is qvite the commitment." "Indeed, however we need to protect the svpply lines to that grovp, which will block most of the grovp, leaving not many ships to actvally make contact. Also in case of hostiles it wovld take to long to send reinforcements." "That wovld also be the case for the first mission." "Yes, bvt those ships are designed to be fast and stealthy, which cannot be said for svpply ships and larger crvisers." "Proceed with the first mission, I will contact the High Covncil abovt their 'ambassador'. Select the ships and crews. As for the second mission, it will be pvt on hold. We will need all ships here, shovld the first mission end in hostilities. I will recommend to bvild special ships designed for the second mission to redvce ovr commitment." A third man said with avthority in his voice. It is easily discerned that the third man is the one with the highest avthority of the people in attendence. [h3]Forvm of the High Covncil, Imperial Palace, Roma Nova, Planet Appvleia, Systema Solaris Magna[/h3] In a large room, similar to an opera hovse, the high covncil is meeting. Arovnd a hvndred men and women are in attendence. Notable almost all filled seats are occvpied by hvmanvms, only a few are vsed by Cthand'xi qveens. That does not mean that there are that few slots for the Cthand'xi in the High Covncil. The Cthand'xi were offered one third of the seats, however most remain empty as they have no desire to inflvence the whole Imperivm. The hvmanvm seats are selected as follows: 11% for each of the largest families, meaning those three forces control one third of the hvmanvm seats directly. Another third is shared by the military and the administration. The military has dovble the shares of the administration, can contains both generals of the grovnd forces, as well as admirals of the fleet and members of the Intelligentia Propellente. The remaining third belongs to smaller families. Decivs Clvilivs Catvlla starts speaking. "I qvestion, in the name of the covncil, are there any news regarding the hvnt of the pirates in sector..." He looks at his notes. "sector XXXIV? As I recall a large grovp of the praetoriani are on that mission. [i]I am svre they already took care of the pirates.[/i]" The last part was said with a lot of sarcasm in his voice. A member of a smaller family took the word. "Why are yov bringing a few pirates into this hall? The empress has send [i]her[/i] forces to deal with them, and I am svre they will be enovgh. Why shovld we now vse ovr time to talk abovt it? It is already dealt with let's move on!" Many voices svpporting the statement are to be heard. Angry that his attack was easily blocked, Decivs sat back down on his seat. Next a member of the military faction walked to the center of the stage. "We received two messages from vnknown senders, while we were able to find the origins of those messages we were vnable to decipher the content of the transmissions. We are cvrrently working on this issve." Decivs happy to find a point to attack someone, who svpports empress Victricia Clavdia Volvsia Laetoria Alateia, starts shovting. "Why are yov bringing that vp here? Isn't that also jvst a matter of [i]a few pirates that are already beeing dealt with[/i]?" The speaker on stage calmly responded. "That is not the case. The origins are far away from ovr territory, and we propose action. Specificly a recon mission to the nearer location. We [i]svggest[/i] a force of a single light crviser svpported by a few destroyers. Preperations are beeing made at the moment. However..." He was cvt off by Decivs. "If yov are already making preperations why are yov even telling vs? Wovldn't it be enovgh to jvst state the resvlt [b]after[/b] the fact? Yov clearly don't want vs to decide the covrse of action!" For the first time the military man looked at Decivs, and the later felt a shiver down his spine. "It is within my avthority to deploy that grovp. However I was thinking that the covncil might want a member present shovld we make first contact." A member of the Ferreolia family tries to ease the tension. "That is commendable. Since I don't think that ovr honovrable Decivs here wovld be a good choice for that position..." A commotion in the area of the Catvlla family starts. "I propose either a member of the lower families or someone from either the Alateia family, and I know yov won't accept that, or my family." After a hefty debate if was decided that Marcvs Menenivs Ferreolia, as well as two members of the lower families wovld join the expedition. [h3]Orbit, Planet Appvleia, Systema Solaris Magna[/h3] The preparations for the mission were completed in the last two days. Filled with svpplies and intelligence operators the small detachment starts the mighty engines to break orbit and set covrse to the origin of the first transmission. "Princeps, are there any new informations available regarding ovr destination?" The princeps, a middle aged woman with a large scar on her face, looks at Marcvs. "Regrettably no. However we will be notified, shovld headqvater be able to decipher the transmission." "How long vntil we reach it?" "Arovnd three weeks." With that conversation the grovp of one light crviser and six destroyers started their jovrney.