[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.ibb.co/n83XcHK/Webp-net-resizeimage.png[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][color=F3E010][b]Location:[/b][/color] Back in the Air again [color=F3E010][b]Skills:[/b][/color] Flight, Electricity Manipulation, Electric Attacks, Aerial Combat[/center][hr] Sparky was still somewhat annoyed that the guy who had attacked them first was tagging along, but she didn't say anything about it immediately as she sent another bolt of lightning slamming into a few HYDRA agents. It wasn't as impressive as her first round of attacks (only taking out 3 people in total) before she decided to say screw it with everything that was going on and just leave them entirely to do whatever it was that they were probably going to do. She didn't know if they'd follow after them (they probably would) and if she did she was perfectly fine with that, she had some anger and annoyance that she needed to deal with at the moment anyway. However, as she caught up with the others, she froze and glared at Astrad with his words. He seemed so self-centered on what his job was, or whatever, and not caring that they very well could have just [i]left[/i] him and instead he was being dragged along with them when he could be very much dead. [color=F3E010]"How about you just shut up for two damn seconds, since you aren't on your mission anymore genius, you're on ours, which has been put off from being done for [i]3 months[/i]. Ever heard of a signal jammer? Those are not rocket science to make, rather simple actually, so how about either you get your focus away from what your mission was before or I will make you drop out of the damn sky, got it?"[/color] She typically wasn't this rude to people, but she was in a bad mood already, and this guy had managed to make a really bad impression on her by pretending to actually care after she had fallen out of the sky before attacking them. That meant that currently she was perfectly fine with any reason to toss him out of the sky and to the ground.