[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Xpb1VAn.png[/img][/center] Those two knights, though, weren’t the only people privy to watching Erika’s gluttony in action. Having only stepped off the dogman’s corpse, Ying Yue was morbidly entertained by the display before her. At speeds that looked like she was inhaling rather than eating, the pale-skinned woman thoughtlessly consumed raw flesh, stripping meat from bone with haphazard technique. It was fascinating to see, and Ying Yue certainly didn’t allow her gaze to stray as this wild woman reduced such a massive corpse to half the dogman it used to be. Organs were slurped up like noodles, and even the offal was devoured with efficiency. And at the end of all that, the pale-skinned woman didn’t even look like she was all that full. Certainly, the appetites of these white devils matched their monikers. Ying Yue was even a bit jealous. She’d have never been allowed to eat so much. Maybe she was missing out on something? Full-armored warriors came by, reporting something about having to return now, and how they were gathering up corpses too, of both their comrades and their enemies. Were [i]they[/i] also going to eat it? Was it, perhaps, even a delicacy for the Europeans? Ying Yue frowned and then, as the two knights began to drag the remains of the dogman away, she took her tomahawk and shaved off a meaty sliver of thigh. It looked grisly and nasty, but never let it be said that Ying Yue Geng was against sampling differing meals. The eastern islanders ate raw fish, and the barbarians up north drank the blood and milk of mares. Perhaps far west, the meat of the slain was something else quite enjoyable? She popped it into her mouth, chewed once, and then spat it back out. Damn, she [i]ate[/i] this? The dark-haired girl spat out a couple more times, wishing that she had some water to wash out the taste of blood and stringy meat with. She looked back at the wild woman, who now looked to be talking to the islander, before storming right on over, physically and verbally barging into the conversation [color=FF7F50]“You,”[/color] Ying Yue called out, locking eyes with Erika immediately. [color=FF7F50]“Have you never eaten real food before? That was indescribably foul.”[/color]