[@Silver Carrot][@Melpaws] Got coding stuff I plan on doing but as I'm done with the actual sheet and needing to go wanted to go a head and get it out there for y'all to tell me what needs fixing before I go full on aesthetics. [center][hider=Katō Emiho] [color=2e2c2c]x[/color] [h3][b]Appearance[/b][/h3] [hider=Emiho][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/581497240573444097/757439028592377916/Emiho.png[/img][/hider] [h3][b]Costume[/b][/h3] [hider=Duality][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/581497240573444097/757482838374481940/Duality.png[/img][/hider] [h3][b]Name:[/b][/h3] Katō Emiho [h3][b]Hero/Vigilante Name[/b][/h3] Duality [h3][b]Gender[/b][/h3] Female [h3][b]Age[/b][/h3] 16 [h3][b]Height:[/b][/h3] 5'3" (1.6002 m) [h3][b]Weight[/b][/h3] 112 lbs. (50.8 kg) [h3][b]Personality[/b][/h3] As long as she doesn't have to use her quirk extensively, Emiho has a tendency towards showcasing a friendly, caring smile. Due to the nature of her quirk, she does try to avoid situations that would cause any emotion to flare up too much. She isn't exactly shy but she also tends to avoid large groups of people unless she knows a few people in the group. She also has a bad habit of mothering those close to her. This could be because as a child she always stuck extremely close to her mother and anytime she'd play pretend she would always take the mother role. It could also come down to how out of her own siblings as well as cousins she is the oldest by a large margin. Despite the obvious issues that could occur she was often the one who would babysit her siblings and cousins. The first few years of this were a right laughing stock as before she learned to control her quirk better she'd act like the children a bit to much. But it is what lead to her learning how to box up the various emotions. Where the desire to become a hero originated from could come from a few sources. Her father was a very low ranking hero but he always put his best into it. She also adored watching anime and similar shows revolving around varying types of heroes. She especially liked the ones where the heroes had trouble with their own abilities. It made her feel like she could one day control her own quirk rather than lose herself to it. Bottom line, Emiho has a deep desire to help people and take care of them. She loves to see others smile. [h3][b]Background:[/b][/h3] One would think that with a quirk like Emiho's it would be easy to get into a school like UA. But most don't realize how difficult it is to just keep a handle on the quirk. The sheer fact of it always drawing from other's emotions makes it near impossible to not be a mess in a crisis. Sure, most of the people who showed up for the entrance exam were hero wannabes who were likely excited and ready to show the school what they could do. Emiho was one of them but the moment those around her started panicking the mix of negative and positive emotions kept Emiho from using the actual combat part of her quirk. So, she let go of the emotions, releasing them from the boxes, and the moment she did so she became overwhelmed with panic and hid for the rest of the test. She was so embarrassed by how useless she was in the test that she couldn't even bring herself to tell her parents how it went. For the next few days, she was a wreck. Emiho had completely neglected to concentrate on her quirk and let her emotions run wild. Her parents were rightfully concerned so they set out on a task to find a hero course for their daughter to attend. Eventually they stumbled upon Matsubara High. The hero course wasn’t exactly grand or that influential but they believed that their daughter had the work ethic to make it anywhere she wanted even if she had to work from the bottom. Emiho didn't seem to care that the school wasn't very famous, she was happy that she would be able to at least have a chance to become a hero. [u][b]Quirk:[/b][/u] [hider=Long quirk explanation is probably too long]Emiho's quirk is called Emotion Spectrum. It is an emitter class quirk which is a combination of her mother's quirk which caused her to feed off of and emulate the predominant emotions of those around her, and of her father's quirk which caused him to emit different levels of light or darkness based on his own emotions. This combination has bore fruit as Emotion Spectrum which causes Emiho's emotions to change based on those around her. Emiho's emotions are affected by the emotions of those around her. It causes her to emulate what the majority of those within a certain radius around her are feeling. Another piece of the quirk puzzle comes in the form of Emiho being able to emit the stored emotional energy as light or darkness based on the predominant emotion she is intaking. This effect, however, is almost always active to some extent as if it wasn't then she would eventually feel an overload of emotion. However, she can also choose to release the emotions in quick, strong bursts that function similarly to the quirk Navel Laser. It can be destructive but the more she uses an emotion this way the easier it is for the emotion to take control of her. One thing she has been able to do to counteract how much the quirk affects her own feelings is that she found a way to essentially sort the emotions she draws on into one of two boxes. Positive emotions like happiness, excitement, love, or anticipation; and negative emotions like sorrow, fear, anger, or anxiety. The main issues with doing this though are that she loses a lot of power in her emission of the emotions and it takes a lot of concentration. To counteract the loss of power, the only options she has are to stop focusing on control or to find a place where, the only people within the range of which she draws from, all of the emotions go into only one of the boxes. Another effect of her quirk is that based on the emotions she is using her hair, eyes, and skin changes color. Dealing with the two boxes the changes are more obvious with the positive emotions causing her hair, eyes, and skin to begin to look more vibrant and colorful. Her hair will become a bright lively purple, her eyes a deep red, and her skin looks full of life. Negative emotions do the opposite. Her hair begins to lose color changing to a ghastly white, her eyes become dark almost like pure blackness, and her skin becomes entirely pale. If she hasn't forced the emotions into the boxes then whichever emotion is being currently used affects her appearance a little less obvious but her hair, eyes, and skin begin to become slightly tinted in the color usually most associated with the particular emotion. *Side Note - I don't really know if I explained well what I was getting at, but a part of the reasoning behind why she wasn't accepted into UA has to do with her battle between having to choose either a lack of control or a lack of power. She is not very skilled at using her quirk. Just restraining it from overpowering her as long as she focuses on keeping the emotions into the two boxes. Otherwise, she has almost no ability to stop from losing herself in the emotion she uses.[/hider] [u][b]Other:[/b][/u] Apologies if things are kind of confusing. I'm generally not great at explaining things. So, any questions would be welcome as they tend to help me describe better what I'm trying to get at.[/hider][/center]