[center][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/divinus-mk4/images/c/c3/Blue-heart.png/revision/latest?cb=20200229114953[/img] [h2]Neiya[/h2][/center] [hr] The trees rustled warily in the howl of the agitated storms in Neiya's realm. Stone cracked and splintered as talons dug into the pillar holding up the centre pavillion, and subsequently crumbled under pressure as Neiya pulled back, ripping the stonework from its foundation to wield the pillar like a club. With a furious scream not unlike a petulant youth, she swung her massive weapon at the remnant of her luxurious structure, sending shattered debris all over the riverside glen as the building toppled under the impact and collapsed under the combined pressure of it's own weight and Neiya's assault. As if the realm itself knew the significance of this event and the resident deity's unbridled fury, the ground shook and the walls of the realm itself rumbled warily. Another furious roar as the goddess continued her tantrum, and threw what remained of her pillar with all her might. It smashed into the remnants of her old nesting place, spraying rock and dust everywhere. Thick coils of black energy twisted and churned around the goddess that had once allegedly stood for love, but now seemed to fall ever deeper into some lovelorn despair. The black tendrils extended to touch all shadows in her realm, and in the darkness, something stirred. Countless eyes, teeth, and growls resounded about the primordial world, as it twisted and warped into something wildly unrecognizable compared to it's old shape as a natural garden. The goddess swore and cried two names, swinging her arm out over the landscape in a fit of unbridled anger. The realm responded, and vast swathes of the land were set ablaze with an endless fire. In the blaze soon wriggled new creatures, wrought to life out of the sheer fury of the goddess. Horned, burning silhouettes skipped around, and before long were sunk deep into brawls amongst themselves. Neiya did not notice. Heaving heavy breaths, Neiya stumbled across the chaotic ruins of her realm. Her eyes whipped to and fro, as though trying to find something new to destroy - to no avail. It was then that she turned to Galbar. Her gaze and mind focused on Oraelia's lake in the Luminant, home to her traitors. A new plan formed, of revenge and justice. An eye for an eye. Gibbou would be next, as soon as she figured out what Gibbou had ever done on Galbar. For now, Oraelia's creations would suffice. And so, the Goddess began to sing. She suppressed her fury into a cold and centered vengeance, and listened to the endless torrent of mortal woes to channel all of it at the Oraeliari. A song of eternal sorrow, infectious and unrivaled in beauty. It caught the ear of a single unassuming man in the glowing forest, and Neiya silenced herself, knowing the deed was done. Now that her focus was here, however, she could just as well try to influence the Oraeliari further, and add to her collection. Trying to focus on a village in the Luminant, Neiya parted her lips to sigh, and a portal tore and whirled open to the world beyond. She was about to call out to the confused denizens beyond when something skittered into her vision, a black beast, licked by dark flames, quickly darted past to escape her realm and dive onto Galbar through the portal. A whole pack of beasts slipped after it. Neiya blinked, her petty scheme of vengeance replaced with confusion. Then, out of nowhere, a tall humanoid that looked like a poor copy of the goddess herself, though licked by flames, ran past at breakneck speed, throwing itself through the portal with a yowl. Before long, the portal closed in on itself. Neiya stood there bemused, then took a glance about her ruined realm. It was teeming with strange life, called into existence by her reckless behavior. Unsure what to think, Neiya took a breath and considered her curse. She'd need to do some digging before she could hit Gibbou where it hurt. [hr] [hider=Summary] Neiya is angry after her short battle with Gibbou. Like a petulant child, she rampages through her own realm and warps it into something entirely different. She doesn't appear to notice that several new creatures spring to life during her tantrum. Channeling her rage into something suitably petty, she curses the Oraeliari in the Luminant. She then tries to steal some Oraeliari with a portal, but stops when she realizes her new beasts slipped onto Galbar. [/hider] [hider=MP/DP] Neiya: 5/5 4 DP - Song of Sorrow Oraeliari in the Luminant are afflicted by the Song of Sorrow, a curse that spreads through negative emotion and thought. Sighing, negative words or unpleasant emotions are all contributors. Afflicted beings slowly become despondent and apathetic, failing to see any positive qualities in life. This gradually becomes worse until their depression pulls them into becoming Neiyari, or they waste away and stop taking care of themselves. Together with this, the thoughts of affected Oraeliari are slowly overtaken by the forlorn song, making it difficult to escape its grip when once allowed to take hold. 1 / 1 MP / DP- [url=https://em.wattpad.com/c76c5a74c55119dc7f078103464a0ade84e9b8d6/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f2d506d36364f4566446b313155413d3d2d3635333136333535332e313537316666376538373437313433353438343132363538393939312e6a7067?s=fit&w=720&h=720]Trovers[/url] A species of hound native to Neiya's realm. They feed on fear and are able to sense it much like a regular dog would smell food. Further, they are stronger and fiercer the more fear are around them. They do bite. A lot. 3 MP - [url=https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/cEPtUbkiQ-Aj-xDhIbyXsi8Nc6V4fxOZ3RPxgiykBw11zlaai_ZO2buRByyhi8ZVuJIQhhS5UooAtbrwAPqseT2SBk4yW1m8x_2H1xkOFQ] Furies[/url] This humanoid species are a vague reminder of their horned creator, though come in hues of red, brown and green. They are intrinsically linked to rage and flame, and are able to manifest heat when enraged. Their continued presence will spark fires and violence. They are very strong and fast (compared to the human average), but are not actually sentient and are no more intelligent than a particularly clever crow. 1 MP - Opened a portal to the Luminant. End: 0/0 [/hider]