[center][i]Midgard was once a world with Pantheons upon Pantheons, more Gods than many other worlds combined. The small, seemingly insignificant rock adrift in space a nexus point for various realms to come together. Over time some faded into obscurity, others left the realm altogether. While others continued to play with their influence on the world, subtly interacting with the world according to their grand design. This is not the tale of one such God. This is the tale of…[/i] [img]https://cdn-media.threadless.com/challenges/thor_mainbanner_1.jpg[/img][/center] [right][sup][b]Previously:[/b] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5184791]Information Exchange.[/url][/sup][/right] [b][right]NORÕREJYAR // KINGDOM OF THE GAELS // MIDGARD // 781AD[/right][/b] The stench of ale, blood, sweat and a hard day's labour filled the hall. Men jeered and yelled, songs of a thousand days and a thousand nights long past. In the corner, Mjolnir lay on the ground. Occasionally a drunkard would stumble over and attempt to lift the mighty weapon. With no success. At the end of the hall in a position typically reserved for the earl sat the boy-faced God Thor. His blonde hair was being braided by the wife to the earl, Hilga while her daughters warmed his lap one on each knee. In his right arm a horn of ale, he brought the frothing liquid too his lips throwing his head back with the horn. The luke-warm liquid poured down his throat, the horn finished he crushed it in his bare hand. Laughing as he did so, cheers following the action. Turning his head, he grabbed the younger of the earls’ daughters head with his left hand and pulled her lips to his, enjoying the sweet taste of her flesh upon his. Releasing from the kiss he stood up, grabbing the two girls by the waist lifting them into the air and placing them atop his shoulders. “My friends! Long have you and your ancestors enjoyed the support and protection of your Gods, yet your faith waivered as your lands were plagued by this beast-” Thor reached behind him, kneeling forward and picking up a [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/1/18/Bodb_Derg_%28Earth-616%29_from_Thor_%26_Hercules_Encyclopaedia_Mythologica_Vol_1_1_001.png/revision/latest?cb=20091213233426]head[/url] and holding it in the air. “-it pillaged your lands and raped your people. You prayed for Thor for protection, and thus I delivered.” Thor threw the head into the fire, the flames reaching up and growing around them. The fire-spitting and cracking as the flesh sizzled and bubbled. It peeled away as the heat seared the flesh. He raised both his hands in the air basking in the cheering and celebration of those that filled the hall. As he turned back to return to his seat the heavy wooden doors were blown open at the end of the hall. A great wind travelled through the hall blowing out candles and the fire leaving the hall in twilight with the main source of light being the moon through the open door. A long shadow appeared as Thor turned. Everyone in the hall was turned looking at him, Mjolnir raised from the ground as he extended his hand, the weapon roaring too his hand as thunder rumbled on the outside. A tall feminine figure dressed all in black walked into the hall. Her eyes a livid orange. “Thor Odinson! I would speak with you, Asgardian!” Stepping forward cautiously Thor kept his footing wide, prepared for an attack designed to knock him off his feet. Right arm back while in his left Mjolnir sat in a guard position. “You have me at a disadvantage. To whom do I speak? Afterall you seem in possession of my name, yet I am at a loss of yours.” Thor paused as she raised a hand and clicked her fingers. All the candles and the main fire in the hall ignited. There stood a beauty as fine as any of the Goddesses that inhabited Asgard. Red flowing locks, a common trait among the Gaels and pearly white skin. Her black dress hugged her form tightly in a way that left surprisingly little, and yet much, to the imagination. A corset around her waist left her bust raised in the air, with the low cut top leaving her cleavage on display in a way that bordered on the inappropriate, should they have been meeting under formal circumstances in Asgard. All in all, she was a thing of beauty, and in any other circumstance, Thor would be already trying to bed her. “I am Morrigan-” Whispered panic echoed throughout the room. “-and that-” she pointed to the withered husk in the fire. “-is my son.” [b][right]ASGARD // PRESENT DAY[/right][/b] Deep within the safety and security of the palace, there was a room, the existence of which was known only too a few. It was not filled with treasures, weapons, trinkets or historical scrolls. Instead, it held a bed. A golden sphere encompassed it as Odin lay in the bed. His eyes closed, there was a stillness to him that Thor always found unnerving. The All-Father had the weight of nine worlds on his shoulders, and it was usually evident in everything he did. To see him so still and helpless gave the Thunder God a series of doubts about what it was he had to do. Even now Odin could see and hear everything going on in the world, he did not dream. He merely rested. His body shutting down to replenish its reserves of unfathomable power. Freyja sat resting by his bedside, his hand clasped in hers as she rubbed it lovingly. Thor had heard the stories of their marriage, in the age before when Asgard and the Vanir were at war. While his Grandfather Bor sought too take Vanir by force it was Odin who proposed marriage to unite their two peoples. A rough relationship at first, in the aeons they had grown to truly love one another. Thor cleared his throat, as Frejya turned to look at him a kind smile spreading across her face. “Thor! How long have you been waiting?” “Not too long, in all honesty, I had thought that you had noticed me and were simply being polite.” “Perhaps I still am.” A slight hint of mischief crossed her face. While Loki was the Trickster God, he had learnt all his early magicks from his adoptive mother, and a lot of his tricks as well. Whether or not he liked to admit it. Standing up with a grace that Thor could never match she walked over and opened her arms. Walking towards her she held him for what seemed to be an age in a mother's embrace. Something about it made his worries almost fade and melt away, though the moment it was broken the gnawing feeling of guilt returned. “Tell me, Thor, what brings you to me?” “I must return to Midgard-” “Thor…” Freyja allowed it to trail off, he could already hear the disappointment in her voice. “I know what you are going to say, my place is here while Odin sleeps. Yet it has been far longer than I can even remember since Asgard was last attacked and Baldur will be here-” Freyja placed a delicate hand upon his shoulder, as he looked down at her face he could feel his resolve wavering. She may have been small and frail in comparison to him yet in this situation she held all the power. “Our people need you, Asgard needs you to protect it.” She sighed as she pulled back and walked to Odin's bedside. Placing both hands on the edge of the bed as she looked at his face. “With Odin here, you are our best defence against whatever threats may come our way. Yes, we have Baldur, Sif, the Warriors three yet all of them pale in comparison to you, not just in power but also in prowess and heart.” She sighed, lowering her head before turning around once again to look up to Thor. “If Loki possesses a norn stone he poses a threat too Midgard, should he be left unhindered he could pose a risk to all the nine realms-” Freyja shook her head, chuckling slightly as she did so. “One day you will be King and you will make these decisions on an ongoing basis for centuries to come