[center][h1]Conceptualization[/h1][/center] [indent]At the heart of this role-play is [b]Dungeons & Dragons[/b], or at least, the spirit of it. You do not need to have any knowledge of D&D to be a prospective player, though it does help. There’s some interesting principles in 5th Edition that I particularly like and am trying to emulate here. Players will apply for the role of a member of a five-man party, choosing to pick one of the above archetypes and mold it to how they best want to design their character philosophy. A close combat-focused ranger is just as viable as an archer. A clever detective is viable instead of a shifty thief for the rogue. These are all just baseline things so we can keep the party engaging, dynamic, and feel like each player has something unique within the party. Races are something I want to keep simple. For now I would like us to keep to the basic fixtures of a budding fantasy universe with humans, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, and elves. There will be a certain amount of autonomy in deciding their cultural fixtures, but generally I work best when things don’t go too far off the left-field. Obviously other common fixtures such as goblins, orcs, and the like exist as well. Things like half-elves and half-orcs would also be fine choices I would take no issue with. The same goes for dragonborn/lizardfolk, though either would be at a disadvantage in the frozen wastes of the far north so keep that in consideration if that appeals to you on some level. In terms of experience of respective characters, if you are familiar with D&D this would be in the 3-5 range. Relatively experienced, has enough connections and word of mouth to vouch for their adventures, but generally not going to go toe-to-toe with ogres by themselves. For those not familiar I would ask to make experienced enough characters that make sense given the opening fluff of being indebted to an influential merchant yet having enough skills to be able to perform in sticky situations. Even Aragorn needed allies. With that said the character sheet will be located beneath this post in a hider. [hider=Character Sheet] [pre][color=#C82222][CENTER][img]CHARACTER HEADER -- USE FONTMEME OR 1001FONTS BRUV[/img] [color=gray][sub][i]“Character quote.”[/i][/sub][/color][/CENTER] [table][row][/row][row][cell][center][img]REFERENCE IMAGE HERE[/img] [color=#807B84][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/color] [sub][COLOR=SILVER]Full Character Name [color=#807B84][sup]_______________________________________________________________[/sup][/color] Age [color=#807B84][b]|[/b][/color] Gender [color=#807B84][b]|[/b][/color] Race [color=#807B84][sup]_______________________________________________________________[/sup][/color] Alignment [color=#807B84][b]|[/b][/color] Class [color=#807B84][b]|[/b][/color] Text [color=#807B84][sup]_______________________________________________________________[/sup][/color][/COLOR][/sub][/center] [hider=][indent][sub][b]▼ A T T R I B U T E S[/b][/SUB] [sup][color=#807B84]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color] [COLOR=SILVER]► [B]Skill #1[/B] ► [B]Skill #1[/B] ► [B]Skill #2[/B] ► [B]Skill #3[/B] ► [B]Skill #4[/B] ► [B]Skill #5[/B][/COLOR][/SUP] [color=#2e2c2c]-[/color][/indent][/hider] [hider=][indent][sub][b]▼ I N V E N T O R Y[/b][/sub] [sup][color=#807B84]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color] [COLOR=SILVER]► [b]Armor[/b][COLOR=#807B84] - Description Here.[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=SILVER]► [b]Weapons[/b][COLOR=#807B84] - Description Here.[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=SILVER]► [b]Coinpurse[/b][COLOR=#807B84] - Description Here.[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=SILVER]► [b]Misc. Items[/b][COLOR=#807B84] - Description Here.[/COLOR][/COLOR] [/sup] [color=#2e2c2c]-[/color][/indent][/hider] [/cell][cell][b][sub]P E R S O N A L C H A R A C T E R[/sub][/b] [color=#807B84][indent][i]Describe your character's personality traits, how their experiences have affected them, etc. This should be the deciding factor on a sheet and be the most detailed. [/i][/indent][/color] [b][sub]F A V O R[/sub][/b] [color=#807B84][INDENT][i]Describe the favor you owe the merchant. [/i] [/INDENT][/color] [/cell][/row][/table] [/COLOR] [/pre] [/hider][/indent] https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5177525/raw