They had. Envy turned when he felt the shudder pass through his wards, the tickle at the nape of his neck. His blind eyes shifted toward the cavern entrance, ears straining. "Ysa-" "On it." She said at once, drawing her blades and rushing out. Her steps were quick, and the moment she felt the sun hit her skin she inhaled, bracing to Walk to the other side of the minute gorge, only pausing when she saw the two figures patiently waiting. Her fuchsia eyes fell to the shorter of the two, and her blades lowered, her plan to Walk forgotten in an instant. "Well," Ysaryn smiled brightly. "Aren't you a sight for hard eyes." Sheathing her blades, she trounced down the slope with a bounce in her step, her long braid swinging. She wrapped her arms around Kire for a quick embrace. "Welcome back, Chieftess." Her language had much improved over the months, but beyond that, the elf had changed little. She stepped back, placing her hands on her hips, clothed in her usual dark leathers. Her eyes wandered over the tall one curiously. "Your own Kartaian, perhaps?" She smirked at Kire. "It is nice to meet you. Welcome. And come, come." Ysaryn waved her hand, beckoning them in. Envy loitered in the main chamber, looking anxious until he heard Ysaryn's casual steps. The Kartaian was dressed in trousers of a dark brown, but his shirt was a brilliantly obnoxious lime green with dark green whorls of vine embroidered all over them. Perhaps the fabric had been intended for a blanket or a curtain, but the elf found it perfectly suitable to his sense of fashion. "I know that scent." Envy said, inhaling a few times. "Is it really?" "It is." Ysaryn sang, moving to stand beside him, tilting her chin upward. Envy only extended his arms, beckoning Kire. "Welcome back, then, Kire." Envy smiled happily, wrapping his arms around her gently. "I had hoped you'd return, but I honestly hadn't expected it so soon." Another deep inhaled as Envy released Kire, his face pointing toward the second woman. Sea salt and ... what was that? Nettle leaf? "You've brought along a guest." He stated. "Welcome to ... well we don't really have a name for it. So, welcome to our home. Albeit temporarily. I'm Envy." He placed his hand over his chest and bent slightly forward.