[hr][Center][h1][color=39b54a]Henry[/color][/h1][/center][hr] Surprisingly, the white hands came down quickly to meet Henry's Gauntlets in a clash, or that was what Henry thought would happen. His entire attack was neutralized in that action. Henry was taken aback at what happened. There was no recoil from the hit so it's not like he just slammed into an immovable object. Before thinking anymore, He gripped onto the stones. It was an instinct from his grappling training. However, there was no time to process what was going on with Nikolay's Noble Arm as Nikolay immediately counterattacked. The blast ran directly through Jahreszeiten Wechseln, then to his arms, and finally to his head and body. He could feel his arms were getting that tingly, numb feeling like when he would throw too many punches into the tree outside his house. The attack rattled his brain a good bit, leaving him nauseous and his vision blurry. He felt momentarily weak. From some other power, Henry had held onto Nikolay's weapon. Henry had never in his life been had his conscious shaken before. Not in the years of training he had, not in any spars. Henry usually could be called reserved in the way he fought. Not that he was afraid he would get hurt, that he would hurt someone badly on accident. A tendency to stay docile that was instilled in him through all aspects of his life. Never start a fight. Never hurt others. Always be peaceful. These basic ideas had help defined who Henry was. As the literal bigger man resorting to violence is a sign of weakness of the mind. However, something stirred in Henry when he had lost consciousness for a moment. A warrior's blood that has resided in him, dormant under the many factors of modern life. So with no hesitation, Henry's body moved on instinct. He threw his legs underneath himself, using the hands as leverage, and loaded himself like a spring aimed at Nikolay's chest. He tightened his core and legs as close as he could. Once aimed, he exploded out straightening his body, launching both feet into Nikolay. He could easily shatter Nikolay's sternum, ribs, and back with this hit. Hopefully, this is some good padding the school has [@The Man Emperor]