[hider=House Hightower] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/A6lNYSP.jpg?1[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sttsO09nWns]♫[/url][/center] [center][h3][i]“We Light the Way”[/i][/h3][/center][h3]House Information[/h3][hr][hider=House Hightower][indent] [b]Synopsis[/b] [indent][color=gray]The proud house Hightower has existed since the dawn of days when they were petty kings. They are one of the oldest houses in Westeros and the most powerful of the Tyrell's sworm houses. Resolute in their belief in the Faith of the Seven, the Hightowers have become famously wealthy due to their skill in trade. As well as boosting substantial financial reserves the Hightowers also can raise massive levies, up to three times that of other Tyrell vassal houses. The Hightowers rule from the oldest and wealthiest city in Westeros, Oldtown. [/color][/indent] [b]Head of House[/b] [indent][color=gray]Jorgon Hightower[/color][/indent] [b]Seat[/b] [indent][color=gray]The Hightower, Oldtown[/color][/indent] [b]Demesne[/b] [indent][color=gray]House Hightower boosts control of Oldtown, the richest city in Westeros. Due to their stature and power they have several vassal houses sworn to them, which are House Beesbury of Honeyholt, House Bulwer of Blackcrown, House Costayne of the Three Towers, House Cuy of Sunhouse and House Mullendore of Uplands. [/color][/indent] [b]Recent History[/b] [indent][color=gray]During the War of the Five Kings the Hightowers remained neutral and silent until the arrival of Aegon VI Targaryen to Westeros. Boosting a well known history of loyalty to the Targaryen rulers, it was only natural that the Hightowers quickly pledged themselves to the son of Prince Rhaegar. During this time the Hightowers had conflicts with the Greyjoys, who attempted to ransack Oldtown. The Hightowers repelled their raiding attempts successfully but suffered some losses, including one of Lord Leyton Hightower's sons. Hightower soldiers followed the soon to be King Aegon into the final battle of the War of the Five Kings, helping to seize King's Landing. Then as the dead marched south the Hightowers committed men to stop them, helping to defeat the undead armies. In the harsh four year winter which followed the Hightowers would prove invaluable to the realm in ensuring millions throughout Westeros were fed. Though the elder Lord Leyton would succumb the harsh weather, dying in 303 AC. His firstborn son Baelor "Brightsmile" would assume lordship of the ancient house. The proud house would receive the honor of hosting King Aegon's coronation and marriage in Oldtown, before the prestigious Starry Sept. The faithful Hightowers would condemn the faith militant's rebellion against the King, playing a key hand in putting down the fanatics' efforts in Oldtown. As the realm returned to stability Lord Baelor would shift his focus to his own family, mainly his two children Lymond and Loras. Baelor's rule would prove a positive one, the handsome lord a popular figure within the Reach. He also made it a key to further relations with the greater realm as his heir, Lymond would marry the beautiful Cassanda Targaryen, the second daughter of King Aegon. As well as marrying his other son to Mya Martell, forming a strong relationship with the Dornish ruling lords. Baelor would pass away in 322 as lordship would pass on to Lymond. He was a man more skilled with tongue than sword. Lymond and his royal wife would have fourchildren, all attractive due in clear part to their Targaryen mother. Tragedy would strike the Hightowers as their eldest child, Rossan would drown at sea at only ten years old. This incident greatly impacted Lord Lymond as he'd turn to he faith more deeply. His second son Garland would later marry Samantha Redwyne, further strengthing bonds between the two wealthy Reach houses. His other son Ethon established himself as a skilled swordsman, one of the best in the Reach. Ethon would play a key hand in training the future head of the Hightower house, Jorgon. Lymond's only daughter, Margaery would be married to ------ -----, further increasing the influence of the powerful Reach house. During Lymond's reign the beloved King Aegon would die, which upset the lord as the king was a man he greatly respected. As King Aelyx took the throne Lymond would continue his fruitful rule. As the shiver's epidemic overtook the land Lymond would fall victim to it, perishing in 360 AC. His wife Cassandra would die in the brutal winter the next year. Garland would assume lordship next, though his own rule would be very short. He would witness his brother Ethon be inducted into the new king Aerys IV's kingsguard, which brought honor to the proud house. His rule lasted a painfully short three years before heart failure would take his life in 363 AC. His wife Samantha had passed away ten years earlier, the grief stricken Hightower remarrying. He had spent the last decade of his life raising his two sons, Jorgon and Markas. Upon his death the young Jorgon would take lordship of the ancient house, a wealth of pressure upon his shoulders. [/color][/indent] [b]Realm Relations[/b] [indent][color=gray][list] [*][b]House Targaryen[/b] - For generations the Hightowers were proud supporters of the Targaryen kings and queens. Upon Aegon VI's arrival to Westeros this loyalty and support was bestowed upon him. The Hightowers have remained utterly loyal to him and the crown since then. Though the recent upheavals within the royal have concerned the overlords of Oldtown, as well as rumors of the New Valyrian empire across the sea. [*][b]House Tyrell[/b] - TBA [*][b]House Redwyne[/b] - The Hightowers have had a fruitful relation with the wealthy Redwynes, a strong system of trade occurs between the two houses as well as a friendship between the leadership. Lord Jorgon Hightower's mother was a Redwyne and he is familiar with the ruling Redwyne family, having spent time in the Arbor in his early years. [*][b]House Martell[/b] - Owning to a past generation marriage there exists a sturdy relationship between the two powerful houses. A trade pact is the foundation of their friendship, with a firm promise of military support as well. The agreement has made both houses even wealthier than before. [b]House Lannister[/b] - Due to a marriage alliance the relationship between the two very wealthy houses is a positive one. Trade between the Lannisters and Hightowers is plentiful, while a military pact ensures both houses have each other’s backs in a war. [/list][/color][/indent] [b]Storyline Premise[/b] [indent][color=gray]House Hightower has long stood firm in Oldtown, one of the strongest sworn houses in the land. Boosting a massive amount of gold, a massive army of soldiers and a strong fleet at their disposal, it may be time for the Hightowers to once more be power players in Westoros. Lord Jorgon has Targaryen blood in his veins with the ambition to match. [/color][/indent] [/indent] [url=http://www.familyecho.com/?p=WUUS0&c=uue47ul72o&f=921471658862916868]Family tree (subject to change)[/url] [/hider][h3]Character Information[/h3][hr] [hider=Lord Jorgon Hightower] [center][img] https://media.vogue.co.uk/photos/5d548e6d12e31a0008484310/16:9/w_1920,c_limit/original[/img][/center] [indent][color=878787][color=white][b]Identity[/b][/color][indent]Jorgon Hightower [/indent] [color=white][b]Age[/b][/color][indent] 20 [/indent] [color=white][b]Role[/b][/color][indent][list][*] Lord of the Hightower [*] Lord of the Port [*] Voice of Oldtown [*] Defender of the Citadel [*] Beacon of the South [*] Captain of the [i]Honor of Oldtown[/i], the four decked flagship of the Hightower fleet [*] Anointed knight [/list] [/indent] [color=white][b]Characterization[/b][/color][indent] A bit of an anomaly among the Hightowers, Jorgon is a very ambitious man, wanting to go down in the history books as one of the greatest Hightowers. Beyond that desire is a lust for greater power, as he dreams to one day take advantage of his Targaryen blood to sit upon the Iron Throne. He does not particularly care about the Faith or religion in general, though he uses it as a tool in order to get what he wants, pushing himself to others as a devout follower of the Seven. He's not outwardly cruel, or mean-hearted but is rather ruthless in his ways and actions. His tongue is harsh and blunt, directness being his preferred way of dealing with things. He is a very handsome young man, which he uses to his advantage when he can. He is unmarried but is unlikely to remain that way for long as head of the Hightowers. The person he cares most about is his younger brother Markas. He wants to ensure the best for his teenaged brother. Even to Jorgon's closest confidants his true intentions are not known. He's an intensely bold figure who does whatever it takes to get ahead and achieve his goals. There are many thoughts in his mind that he refuses to divulge. A fierce streak of enviousness towards those that hold more than he does, fueled by a sturdy arrogance. An enjoyment for violence particularly towards those that go against him. The trademark Hightower proudness, though even more so than the usual found in those in his family. He holds paranoia against others in position of power. [/indent] [color=white][b]Attributes & Talents[/b][/color][indent] Jorgon is a very talented swordsman, perhaps one of the best in the Reach. Having been trained early on by his uncle Ethon. He's a proud knight, and wields Vigilance, the ancestral Valyrian steel of House Hightower. He's versed in military knowledge, having spent much his time inside reading of past battles and wars as well as undertaking military teachings. He is no wordsmith but he can speak with some charisma, but can easily rub some people the wrong way. His house has mostly been untouched by conflicts within the realm and he is looked upon fondly by the smallfolk of Oldtown. [/indent] [color=white][b]Immediate Family[/b][/color] [indent] Jorgon is unmarried at the moment. His most notable close family member is Markas Hightower, his younger brother and heir. He has numerous living cousins, uncles and aunts. His most famous uncle being Ethon Hightower, knight of the kingsguard. [/indent] [color=white][b]Personal Relations[/b][/color] [indent] TBA[/indent] [/color][/indent] [/hider] [hider=Markas Hightower] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/474x/a2/54/a1/a254a15263636010e8750a9fc1af0afc--peter-otoole-peter-pan.jpg[/img][/center] [indent][color=878787][color=white][b]Identity[/b][/color][indent]Markas Hightower [/indent] [color=white][b]Age[/b][/color][indent] 14 [/indent] [color=white][b]Role[/b][/color][indent][list][*] Squire to Lord Jorgon Hightower [*] Heir to lordship of House Hightower [/list] [/indent] [color=white][b]Characterization[/b][/color][indent] A kindhearted young man, Markas has much less of a radical, ambitious personality than his older brother. He's shy, especially around beautiful women, and patient beyond his years. He does not enjoy violence or seek it out, having yet to kill a man. The prospect of doing so terrifies him deeply. Its something he'd much rather avoid doing in his lifetime but will undoubtedly have to do. Markas enjoys reading and writing, he gets anxious around large crowds of people. He's spent most of his life in Oldtown, rarely leaving it but a few times. In Oldtown he's developed a liking for the smallfolk, as well as a keen eye towards their everyday plights. He does not enjoy being stuck in the Hightower, in his days at home he's often wandering the streets of Oldtown, meeting new people and hearing their tales. [/indent] [color=white][b]Attributes & Talents[/b][/color][indent]Markas is a calm young man, with a more natural charisma than his older brother. He speaks with honesty and integrity even at a young age. While he does not seek out fights he has trained with a sword, having squired under his brother Jorgon for some time now. [/indent] [color=white][b]Immediate Family[/b][/color] [indent]Markas' closest immediate family member is his older brother Lord Jorgon Hightower. Throughout the large Hightower family tree he has numerous living cousins, uncles and aunts.[/indent] [color=white][b]Personal Relations[/b][/color] [indent] TBA[/indent] [/color][/indent] [/hider] [/hider] Mostly done.