A cross of gold. Robena's mind turns a darker way. A lot of crosses of gold in the guts of the dragon-boats - if not atop the hoards of dragons proper. It hung from her neck like a stone and she wondered why Xristos' blood could not be caught with the wooden cup of a carpenter than the jewels and ornaments that accumulated too easily in the hands of priests. The sin of striking a holy woman was deep enough that it seemed uncharitable to tempt wayward hands into it with wealth. A melancholy cloud passes over her even as Summer is welcomed unto the earth. Perhaps this is a land where such things are unthinkable and all the knights are true. A scent on the breeze like rotting flesh tells her this is not so. "Mm," she demurs to the priestess' question. A strange one. Who wouldn't know Constance river-blessed? Who did this priestess take her for? This question indicated that she knew Robena not at all, and yet asked this stranger about her relation to another. To what end? She opted to answer with an enigma in turn. "And you know the Azure Knight?"