[img]https://appinvasion.com/attachments/screenshot_2016-02-14-12-15-46-1-png.82220/[/img] It has been six weeks since the Battle of Hoth, and the Rebel Alliance is weakening. Many of it's bravest pilots were lost during the evacuation and replacements are desperately needed. The Imperial war machine is churning out ships and pilots by the thousands and the fight seems hopeless. But there are always a few. The desperate, the destitute and those with no where else to go. And there are always those who bitterly want revenge against the Empire, and are willing to put themselves in harm's way to do it. It is with these beings that the Rebel Alliance must rebuild it's starfighter program and take the fight to the Empire. This... is Raptor Squadron. ------- So with Star Wars: Squadrons coming out in two weeks, I thought this would be a really cool RP to do with a group. We would essentially be playing Rebel fighter pilots learning how to fly and fight. This RP will take place between Episodes V and VI, and the players will have their pick of whatever rebel starfighters to pick from. Since this is the Disney canon, the U-wing will be included if you want it. First a couple of quick rules. 1. Be nice to each other. Seriously. 2. GM (that's me) gets final say. If we have a disagreement, I am willing to discuss it like an adult. 3. No god-modding. You are not a Skywalker. On a similar vein, please, no Force-Sensitives. 4. The only two stipulations I have for species is that you need to pick something that can fit in a cockpit and speak basic. Other than that, go nuts. 5. Real pics or a few words are prefered for appearences. Art is fine, as long as it fits the setting. If and new rules come to mind or are brought to my attention, I will be sure to add them. In the meantime, here is a character bio to get you guys started. I will get my character ready tomorrow, along with my first post. [hider=Character Bio Template] Name: Nicknames: Age: Sex: Gender: Species: Prefered starfighter: Possessions of note: Personality: History: [/hider] Have fun, and may the Force be with you!