[i]Still averse to boots,[/i] Kire noted as they followed him. “I would’ve gone to Cordon, but not without first assuming the very worst for a moment there.” Narda nodded in agreement. “You are very dramatic.” Kire let that slide, chuckling. They listened to him explain what preparations they were doing, as well as Envy’s reluctance. Kire understood that well. It was hard enough to flee one’s home because of violence, and to have to acclimate to a totally new place with so much unfamiliarity in it was another level of difficulty. Even she, who had at least the luxury of remaining allies and potential strongholds, had a terrible time adjusting to their new normal. They followed him down to where Envy’s supplies will be kept, Narda commenting about how she was happy she didn’t need to bend or duck to move about. “I know you started out as desert dwellers, but if you’re going to be settling here for the long haul, learning to be seafaring folk would be wise. You should learn the tempers and humors of the water,” Narda put in. “You have a good resource here, besides the mountain. You should take advantage. As for the illusion, well, it’s always a tightrope walk between prioritizing your safety or your commerce. The more inviting you are, the more trouble you will attract, but any thriving city has that problem. And making friends helps with the safety bit, too.” Kire smiled as her friend offered her serious input, letting her take the lead here as Narda continued, gesturing vaguely in the direction of the sea. “Firstly, our crew depends on being able to get in and out relatively quickly. A city that has natural fortifications would be harder to approach. Especially if you don’t have any naval capability of any sort. The illusion would be helpful while you’re only just learning to live here and get used to the environment, and afterwards, if you’re more confident about defending your shores, you can consider letting it down. For the moment, though, you’re a young settlement. Unless every member of your community can pick up a sword or bow, I wouldn’t make your home too inviting. Magical defenses are all well and good, but in the end, you must strengthen your own skills.” “She doesn’t like relying on magic,” Kire whispered dramatically. Narda shrugged. “If you’re a shit swordsman without magic, you’ll squander your advantage when you do get it,” the giantess commented. "Besides, [i]you[/i] didn't like magic, either, until you got that fancy bauble of yours." “Ugh. Fair enough.” She glanced at Ruli’s feet again and clicked her tongue. “I should’ve brought you shoes, instead,” she commented. "The hair is an improvement, though. And you, where will you be staying? With Envy, I assume?"