[h3]Eastern Yharnam, Hunter's clinic[/h3] Both Torquil and the thoroughly bloodied, freshly revived Victor focused their attention at Draco upon his arrival, though with quite different demeanor and reactions to the words being shared. Torquil seemed a little dazed and distracted at first, his eyes still shifting to the Messengers and the lantern-wielding arm – neither of which were in any way perceivable to Victor, Draco or Adelicia – but grew more focused as Draco spoke, he seemed to grow increasingly concerned, especially once he started speaking of endangered civilians. Victor, meanwhile, was panicked, confused and defensive at first, entirely at the mercy of his fight-or-flight instinct, but gradually seemed to return to his senses and calm down as words were shared among the others. As he calmed he also seemed to grow less and less interested in what Draco was saying, his expression turning indifferent and his gaze starting to scan the room they found themselves in. By the time Draco had finished speaking Victor seemed fully back to his senses and thoroughly unimpressed with the supposed severity of their current circumstance. Victor looked at Draco once he fell silent, idly scraping the side of his left hand against his face to wipe off as much blood as he could. “You talk too much,” he told him with a sigh. He looked down at himself in disgust, fully realizing that his clothes had been completely ruined by his recent trials. Then he looked back at Draco. He held up his left fist, extending his index finger. “Firstly: I guess the state of your snoot means you don't smell a lot, but Hunters [I]stink[/I]. Anyone can smell a Hunter. You don't need to be a beast for that.” True enough, the air in room they were currently in, occupied at the moment by no less than four Hunters, was thick with the unique, but not unpleasant, scent of Hunters, if somewhat intermingled with the smell of blood and viscera. He extended his middle finger. “Secondly: yes, they're mad. I fought them, and they were helping jerkyman over there.” He nodded at the bisected corpse of the Pthumerian. “But they seem to have left their weapons here. We should be okay for the moment.” Finally he stretched his thumb. “And thirdly: I have a job to do. I protect her.” He nodded at Adelicia across the room. “I'm getting her to safety. Your group can follow. I don't care.” Victor moved to retrieve his Holy Blade from the ground. “I'm Victor. Of the white church.” He glanced back at Torquil, Marcus and Arcturus. “And you're the new Hunters.”