[b][center][hr][hr] [h1][color=7d16c7]Oliver Sullivan[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/7ecMeOO.png[/img] [hr][hr] [color=7d16c7]Location:[/color]Braddock Academy - Study [color=7d16c7]Skills:[/color] N/A [hr][/center][/b] Oliver followed her down the hallway, and had to keep himself from being awestruck at the hidden passageway behind the bookcase. That was basically every nerd's dream, and he actively wanted a house one day that had one, unrealistic as it might be. This building was old though, and that was something he missed about this side of the pond. America, as great as it was, was young. The entire country felt old to him, and he liked it. Stepping into the study, he couldn't keep himself from grinning. This was cozy, almost everything he wanted, if the man wasn't a skrull, Oliver might actually feel a bit jealous of him. As Psylocke asked them why they were here, he cleared his throat. "[color=7d16c7]Right, it's a bit complicated.[/color]" He said. He didn't want to immediately make things obvious for her, especially if this place was crawling with Skrulls. "[color=7d16c7]Basically, your brother went on a mission not too long ago, and we're worried that the threat he faced may have escalated in a big way.[/color]" He said, not lying, but keeping his response vague. Hesitating for a moment, he said, "[color=7d16c7]They're called Skrulls, and according to all the records I could find, he and the team he worked with, were the first to encounter them. Any information he could provide would be invaluable.[/color]" He hoped that satisfied her curiosity enough, though he was still on guard, ready to retaliate if she was secretly a Skrull herself. If Captain Britain was, it followed that the entire family could be too.