Rumi's gaze shifted between them after he offered the house, lingering on Narda. After a while, he cleared his throat. "Ahem. Well. Ignoring my fear of you tossing me over the cliffside, I was really offering the empress a home. If she's coming back and forth between here and Amria." Not to mention Narda may very well he more comfortable in Envy's room. The Kartaian would unhesitatingly give her his bed and sleep elsewhere. "There is also the house Ysaryn claimed. I doubt she'd care if you two used it. Or you can take mine, and I'll manage elsewhere." He shrugged, very much indifferent. He would be busy half the night anyway, and wouldn't be using it. "Depending on the length of your visit, we can find your own quarters, temporary or otherwise, tomorrow. Might be easier in the daylight. We haven't exactly found torches to illuminate the city yet." An unnecessary find, for now. The elves could see well in the dark and the Ziadi didn't venture much after dark, yet.