The inside of his house was small and sparsely decorated. A raised hearth sat in the far right corner, near to a window that overlooked the patio for a view whilst cooking. He had the window latched shut, the rust on the metal clasp likely unwilling to budge loose just yet. Behind the door to the right was a small wooden worktable, a set of shelves built into the wall to hold dishware and cutlery, but they were barren. Across from the hearth, in the far left, sat a full sized bed, the sheets and mattress new, the bed immaculately made. There was a small chest of drawers to their left beside the door as they entered, the clothing within, while very few, were likewise folded and neatly set. Against the wall by the chest of drawers worn wooden feet sat a pair of boots, well worn, regardless of the fact that their owner was rarely seen inside them. When dawn arrived, the elves raised their eyebrows as Narda carried Kire along the pathways. They watched, concerned, until Kire was placed on her feet, no violence between the two, before they went back to their tasks, labouring up and down the stairs. The sky turned a brilliant shade of pink and yellow as it lightened, the sun creeping behind the jungle-covered hills at the end of the cliffside city. The air was cold as it blew in their direction, carrying the scent of rain from a distant storm. "Ahem." Said a soft voice behind them. Ysaryn stood, grinning cheekily, her hair bound tight to her head in a plait to keep the wind from tearing at it. Her eyes wandered them both briefly. "Hungry?" She offered. The sun, peering over the horizon ever so slightly, lit up her jeweled eyes as she jerked her head, beckoning. "Come." The elf wandered back toward the northern edge of the city, winding her way down the snaking stairs and across a platform. A rather large building was nestled into the cliff, its second story teetering over the stairwell, that ducked beneath it under a neatly made archway of stone. Ysaryn led them through, then turned inward to open the door and allow them in. The stepped into a long, rectangular room that was broken into two pieces by a wide stone archway. The smell of fish, flowers, and her herb tea coated the large room. The left side, where they entered, was mostly empty, lacking in furniture. The right side held nearly as little; A very worn, elf-made rug sat in the center of the right-most chamber, a small altar at the end. Incense was lit, though its scent currently lost, devoured by the aromas of breakfast. Another archway in the center of the back wall vanished into the cliff itself, the home carved into it in solid refuge. Ysaryn crooked a finger and led them in, while putting a finger to her lips to request silence. She was not alone in the house. She led them deep into the house, where the walls became less smooth and unpainted, into a large square kitchen. Another raised hearth, so the elf could cook while standing, rather than crouched. The fire burned with a low, purring heat. A kettle, a skillet, and a large pot all sat over the heat, tended to by a waif-like elf. Her hair was a deep shade of merlot. As Ysaryn led them in, the elf turned to regard them warily, her eyes a much deeper shade of fuchsia than Ysaryn's, who greeted her with a smile. "My mother." Ysaryn introduce. "Yena." She whispered in their tongue again, speaking Kire and Narda's names, though Kire's a few times more often. Yena didn't smile. Only lowered her chin nearly imperceptibly before she turned back to her task. Ysaryn muttered to her, touching her shoulder, her voice soothing. Convincing her mother to leave the cooking to her, it seemed, as the elder elf turned and shuffled aimlessly out. She wore bags beneath her eyes, her stare hard as she looked Kire and Narda over once more before she left. "Sit." Ysaryn said, gesturing to the table against the wall that seated four. "Do not mind her stares. She does not sleep. And she does not trust." The lingering elf took over the breakfast, prodding at the meat that sizzled noisily in the skillet. "We got all items for you scry. So when you are finish, we'll return to the mountain. Envy has decide it is better to begin there. Closer to where you first arrive. Stronger chance to find you friend." She bustled for only a few minutes more before pulling their meals onto four plates, setting two before the guests. She departed the kitchen for a couple of minutes before returning, seating herself beside Narda. "You like the sunrise?" She questioned, having seen the giantess drag the shorter woman across the cliffs to get a look. Ysaryn's eyes shifted to Kire across the table as Ruli shuffled in, his hair sticking up oddly to suggest a deep sleep. "Or is it you? Not many I know wake just to see sun rise." Ruli sat heavily in the vacant seat beside Kire, rubbing sleep from his eyes, but otherwise utterly quiet as he tried to wake. "We often face the wind to breath in the day." Ysaryn explained. "You can smell rain in this sunrise. Storm nearby. Later will tell if it will greet us."