Hi, I'm Tottori! I am terrible with introductions but I'll do my best here. I just want to go ahead and get this out of the way, I'm extremely introverted. The only reason I interact with the outside world is because I need to pay my bills. I love being online because I can be as social as I want to be and I don't have to be in person. That doesn't mean I don't want anyone to message me. I just don't really like messaging first, but I will if I'm feeling it. People freak me out and I get nervous, but that's besides the point. I'm a hardcore otaku and I love discussing anything anime or Japanese TV related, so that's one way to really get me talking. I also like video games like the Sims and Cities: Skylines, and League of Legends sometimes. As far as roleplay goes, I constantly write short stories to pass time when I'm bored. Experience-wise for roleplaying, I've played a lot of Dungeons & Dragons and Savage Worlds with my small friend group for just about three to four years now. So... bye!