[quote=@ZAVAZggg] Sounds handy. [/quote] Can be, or dangerous, it if affects me in a negative way. [quote=@Drake Baku] *As Death pointed out that he and the reality warper has returned I turned to walk to the roofs edge but before i could my attention was drawn by the fiery explosion. Returning my attention to the other two just in time to see them disappear suddenly. Thinking about it for a second they seemed to look at the flames before they walked and vanished as such I began running, holding my scythe in hand trying to draw as much of its speed boosting ability as i could.* *If Death would ask where i was going I would reply about checking if they were at the flames and that he was welcome to correct me if it was needed* *I arrived close enough to see the oddest of sights, a man walking but never moving from his spot only to then start flikkering in and out of existance?? regardless I activated my own cloaking and moved closer, staying far away out of range of what they were doing but close enough that my hearing will be able to pick up their conversation, which ended up with one odd comment, the so called reality warper mentions this place bends to his will alone* *Seeing some kind of weapon I was ready to jump back, having no reaction at all that the other man got shot and killed, yet to my shock he survived and acted as if it was nothing* *the following conversation was not one I could follow but it did sounded like there was this threat and the reality warper was not even at his full power* *While remaining invisible I decided to join the conversation* Excuse the interruption, but from what I heard there sounds like some danger to this place, I am not part of it but perhaps I am proof of it, I have been pulled to this world rip that appeared without any clear reason on my world and if you bend this world by your will alone, then that could not be by pure chance I assume? [/quote] Hmm...That may have been my fault. [quote=@ZAVAZggg] As if you weren't bad enough- *Glances at Spirit* Now I have invisible people here too. You know what? *Snaps fingers, sending out a wave of misshapen space to reveal anyone within a twenty-five foot radius* You want to talk, we can talk, but you're doing it on my terms not your own. Now, onto your question, it is pure chance yes. I don't know who either of you are, and I certainly wouldn't have brought you here myself. [/quote] *waves when you glance*