[hider=Character Sheet] [u][b]Character's Name:[/b][/u] Matthew (Matt) Fox [b][u]Character's Age:[/u][/b] 35 [u][b]Character's Gundam/Mobile Suit:[/b][/u] [b]1st mobile suit (Start of rp) being used:[/b] [url=https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/RGZ-91_Re-GZ]RGZ-91 Re-GZ[/url] [b]2nd mobile suit (mid rp) being used:[/b] [url=https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/RGZ-91B_Re-GZ_Custom]RGZ-91B Re-GZ Custom[/url] [b]3rd mobile suit (near end of rp) being used:[/b] [url=https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/RGZ-95_ReZEL]RGZ-95 ReZEL[/url] [b][u]Universe your character is from:[/u][/b] A slightly alternate version of the Universal Century. [u][b]Link to gundam site you're getting your information from:[/b][/u] [url=https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/The_Gundam_Wiki]The Gundam Wiki[/url] [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [img]https://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/characters/14/244865.jpg[/img] [u][b]Genetic Type:[/b][/u] Oldtype (normal human) [u][b]Biography:[/b][/u] Born into a family in rural America on Earth, Matt was the oldest son of his family. Shouldering a lot of the responsibility growing up and living a small town life, he was never comfortable farming and living off the land, and dreamed of travelling, seeing what the rest of the world had to offer, and visiting space. Far out in the countryside, his family lived under transit routes for aircraft travelling overhead, and he dreamed of flight. As such, when he graduated from High School, he joined the Earth Federation Forces and set out to become a pilot. Matthew started his military career in a Saberfish fighter squadron. He entered into the One Year War late, and he was lucky to have survived the closing engagements. He found he had to learn quickly, and that was what kept him alive when got his dream of seeing space. Shaken by the loss of so many people around him and by his own survival, his first leave back to Earth was spent with his family, and he found himself strangely distant from his parents and siblings, them still being less-than approving of his choice to serve. Left feeling bitter and torn by his feelings, his behaviour became somewhat self-destructive over the next months, despite his early career showing promise. He crashed out of active duty after too many incidents of disorderly conduct and dereliction of duty. After interviews with medical personnel, including psychologists, Matt was shown to be suffering from PTSD, and was given remedial counselling and support, removed from a front-line role. He showed a great deal of recovery and improvement over time, and was trained in piloting mobile suits. His recovery and healing over the mental and emotional scars was enough that he returned to the front lines in time for the Delaz Fleets' 'Operation Stardust' and was involved in the action, distinguishing himself by taking control of cut-off or disorganized mobile suits during the battle in Earth orbit, and leading them in successful action against the elements of the fleet. Matt's career was average during the battle against Axis and the Titans. He served admirably and earned a reputation as a competant, confident and precise mobile suit pilot, and this trend continued during the first Neo Zeon war. Matt was seconded to Taskforce Alpha against the New Decides for most of the conflict, and was later involved in numerous actions during the conflict. Following this, he was reassigned as an operational test and evaluation pilot, and began a fast-paced but exciting relationship with the chief mechanical engineer for the project he was assigned to. It was during the operational test and evaluation of a new model of mobile suit that he monitored a strange signal. Breaking off of the test routine to investigate was the last memory he had. [/hider]