[hr][hr][center][h1][/h1][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/504122082729132034/755938119252967504/HoO_Waverley_Square_2.png[/img][hr] [color=A020F0][b]Location:[/b][/color] In the Uber [color=A020F0][b]Skills:[/b][/color] [/center][hr][hr] [color=A020f0]"That's such a weirdly specific superpower,"[/color] Waverley muttered as she saw fog spill onto the highway, obscuring the view of the car behind them. She didn't entirely understand the Mist, just that sometimes it was some unfathomable magical metaphysical force, and sometimes it was straight up just fog. She watched out the rear window for a couple of seconds after the mist swallowed up everything in sight, hoping that the car that had been following them wasn't going to be a problem anymore. Part of her felt guilty, worrying that they'd just inconvenienced a random civilian, but she was soothed by the fact that they probably hadn't caused the stranger any harm. When she turned back to face the front of the car, she was surprised to find that they were still discussing whether or not the Camp was a cult. [color=A020f0]"Oh, are we still talking about this?"[/color] she asked, sounding a little embarrassed that her throw away comment was now the main topic of discussion. [color=A020f0]"I'm not saying it's Jonestown, I'm just saying that it's got a lot of the qualities often associated with cults. Everyone lives together in a commune separate from society, everyone has a job to help sustain said commune, most everyone holds the same religious beliefs, and we have to keep certain aspects of the Camp secret from friends and family."[/color] As she started to list off examples, she began counting them on her fingers. Once she got to four, she tensed up, realizing she got carried away. She lowered her hand, an apologetic frown making its way onto her face. [color=A020f0]"I'm sorry, I'm really not trying to shit on your guys' religion. If you want me to drop it, I can. I was just making conversation."[/color]