Artemis anxiously walked further into the office, before tensely sitting on the chair, right at the edge of her seat. She watched as the woman turned to her computer and glanced at the screen. Artemis thought the woman would've been really pretty, is if wasn't for the fact that she was part of staff. "O-Oh.." Artemis managed to stammer out, wringing her hands after being asked a question that she didn't know how she should answer. "I guess you can say I'm happy I have a new friend here..." She admitted, truthfully. "C-Can't really say I enjoy being in this facility because of my problems though.." Artemis added softly, looking away to avoid having eye contact. She tried to relax her breathing, as she felt like there was a lump forming in her throat. She didn't understand why she was so uptight already. It was only the first question, after all.