[hider=Chou Tekkō] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/15/0b/79/150b79861c3cde473dc65136d05f39c2.jpg[/img] "Huh? You mean we're not goin' yet?"[/center] [b]Name:[/b] Chou Tekkō [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Personality:[/b] A rather creepy looking young man, Chou has always expressed indifference and nonchalance towards allies, squadmates and superiors alike. It's hard for Chou to take anything seriously. However, the promise of challenge and fighting always seems to make Chou feel alive. In fact... Chou's true colours seem to shine when he is free to cause destruction and violence for the Red Demons. While training or on a mission, his focus does seem to hone in but it appears more like psychotic fixation, especially when he gets a target. If Chou was a vampire, one could only shudder at what he'd do. [b]Brief Backstory:[/b] Chou doesn't remember much of his early childhood. All he can recall is the slaughter of his parents and being chained up to al variety of tubes. One of the many children taken to become part of the Blood Cattle, Chou was subjected to all manners of torture and harsh treatment which is also how he lost his right eye. Knowing how powerless he was, all Chou could do was allow his mind to be warped and moulded by his environment. While many gave up hope and their lives, Chou was one of the few to keep living. Something was fuelling him to carry on. His resilience would be rewarded after one of the first raids. Chou was rescued by the remnants of humanity and was immediately put into rehabilitation. While his body began to recover quickly, the psychological effects bored deep into Chou's mind. Despite this, the Army of Humanity recognised his toughness and determination. Chou was fast-tracked into training as soon as he was able. Chou excelled in this environment, and while his psychological evaluation still remains shaky at best, there's no denying his effectiveness as a weapon against the vampires. [b]Equipment:[/b] As well as standard gear, Chou carries an extra supply of flashbangs. Chou also deploys the use of breaching charges to compliment his "hitting fast and hard" style. However, Chou also sneaks three syringes of adrenaline on deployment. [b]Skills:[/b] Agility- While not physically strong, Chou boasts impressive speed and nimbleness on the battlefield, deploying hit and run tactics as much as he can. Resilience- Chou's background makes it hard for him to back down and even harder to keep down. Chou expresses a will to push on that rivals most adults. Viciousness- Enraptured in violence, Chou's sadistic side can come out in a fight making it hard for him to show mercy. While this makes him an effective killer, this is a double-edged sword as it becomes difficult to reign Chou in. [b]Crimson Arm:[/b] Susanoo- A duel kusarigama, Susanoo's scythes uses lacquered wood handles and extended blades on both ends with an extended reinforced steel chain. Susanoo's trajectory can be changed mid-throw, allowing creative attack angles or used as a complex trap of tripwires. The chain has jagged teeth blades running across either side. Upon activation, the chain turns into a flexible chainsaw that runs between the two handles. [/hider]