Kire held Ruli’s gaze as he began explaining Ed’s fate should her assumptions on his location come true. “I know.” He didn’t need to say it. She realize it as soon as she had asked the question, and she dearly hoped she was wrong. She didn’t relish the idea of facing both the Kartaians and the truth of what they could have done to him. [i]Lithilote?[/i] Kire wondered, deciding to ask about it later as she and Narda finished their breakfast. “Alright, let’s go.” A brewing storm waited for them there. Kire and Narda looked up. “Not happy are you?” Kire said, glancing with a smirk at her friend. The giantess grunted. “Bad omen.” “We’re not at sea, Nard,” Kire murmured, shaking her head as they went inside after Ruli. They found Envy up and about in the main chamber, smoking. “Good morning.” She raised a brow at their conversation in Elvish. Beside her, Narda grinned at the sight of the giant elf before both of them followed him in. Inside, Kire saw the bowls and pouches on the small table and watched as Ruli started fiddling with them. Some looked familiar, others not; she couldn’t decide whether it would be Elva or Daryll who would find those interesting. She turned to Envy when he asked her opinion about the place, and she beamed as she answered. “It’s wonderful. Perfect, really. Ruli suggested I find a place for myself if I’m to visit often, and admittedly I’ve taken to the idea already.” “What does ‘Ziad’ mean, then?” Narda asked. “Maggiore?” She turned to Kire. “[i]Sounds familiar. Another Off-Worlder language, then?[/i]” Kire shrugged a shoulder. “[i]This world has parallels to ours. Possible.[/i]” Then, to Envy, “Where is ‘Lithilote’? Ruli mentioned the place earlier to us.”