Envy grinned, pleased that Kire and Narda had found it as wonderful as the rest of them. "Did he, now?" Envy turned his face toward Ruli, who ignored him over his tasks. "Well, I suppose he's got some manners, after all. I've done something right." Ruli finally cast him a dark glare as Envy inhaled from his cigarette. "More. Greater. Abundance. That sort of denotation." The Kartaian answered. "Because it was the grand source of life, the heart of the desert." "You got into the good herbs this morning, did you?" Ruli muttered under his breath. "Awfully talkative." Envy chuckled, the sound resonating deeply in his chest, which, today, was covered in a plain tunic that had bright swatches of amber and orange triangles sewn across the breast. "Kire [i]did[/i] deliver an interesting supply. I am greatly appreciative." He added with a low bend of his head. "Lithilote is directly west of us, the far side of the desert. Geographically, the exact opposite direction from Ziad that we are." Envy answered, taking another breath of his tobacco. "There, another clan of elves live. Cousins to the Kartaians. You see, in the beginning, there were-" "Envy." Ruli interrupted. "I've informed Kire. She knows." "Oh." Envy blinked. "Brilliant." He sat forward, resting an elbow on his thick thighs. "The Raielwen clan, then. Anti social, nocturnal, paler than moonlight. Usually docile until provoked." "I mentioned that one of theirs stayed with us for a while." Ruli added quietly, glancing toward Kire as he ground up a few unappetizing ingredients in a bowl. "Oh, Aera." Envy said, his expression suddenly guarding itself. Ruli noticed and stared for a moment, waiting for the Kartaian to explain. Instead, Envy gestured. "Nearly done, there?" Ruli only grunted, pouring in the lump sum of the mess into a final bowl. "The pin, if you would." Envy raised his eyebrows, craning his neck as if he could see it. "Pin?" He extended his hand, running his thumb over the smooth surface before he sniffed it. Then he shook his head. "No." He voiced, looking disappointed. "There's barely any signature." "You mentioned he wore it for special occasions." Ruli recalled. "How many? [i]I haven't mentioned we may need a drop of her blood to her, yet.[/i]" He whispered to Envy, switching dialects. "[i]Well, you may have to, now.[/i]" Ruli cleared his throat, taking a quick glance toward the entry way to make sure no one, particularly no one with green eyes, loitered. "Uh. We may need a drop of your blood. Blood relation and all. It will make it far easier than what is on the pin." "Though we'll use the pin to draw it." Envy added, looking thoughtful. Ruli held out his hand, looking apprehensive. Kire had had a lifetime of suffering at the hands of a bloodmage and his puppets, and he knew it. Had seen it. "Trust us?" He requested.